What Essential Items Should You Pack For A 10 Day Trip To Europe?

Planning a 10-day trip to Europe? Exciting! As you embark on this adventure, it’s crucial to ensure that you have all the necessary items packed in your suitcase. From city-hopping to cultural immersions, this article will guide you on the essential items to include in your luggage, ensuring a comfortable and stress-free journey across the stunning landscapes and enchanting cities of Europe.

Table of Contents


Weather-appropriate clothing

When packing for a 10-day trip to Europe, it’s important to consider the weather conditions of your destination. Be sure to check the weather forecast before your trip and pack clothes that are suitable for the climate. If you’re traveling during the summer months, lightweight and breathable fabrics such as cotton and linen will help keep you cool. For colder months, pack layers such as sweaters, jackets, and scarves to stay warm. It’s always a good idea to bring a rain jacket or umbrella, as unpredictable weather can occur in many parts of Europe.

Versatile clothing items

To make the most of your wardrobe while traveling, pack versatile clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. Choose basic pieces in neutral colors that can be easily dressed up or down. For example, a pair of well-fitting jeans can be paired with a casual t-shirt for daytime exploring, or dressed up with a nice blouse for a dinner out. Similarly, a simple black dress can be worn during the day with sneakers, or dressed up with heels and jewelry for a night on the town. Maximizing the use of your clothing items will help save space in your suitcase.

Comfortable walking shoes

When exploring the streets of Europe, comfortable walking shoes are a must. Opt for footwear that provides good support and cushioning, as you’ll likely be doing a lot of walking during your trip. Choose shoes that are broken-in and comfortable to avoid blisters or foot pain. Sneakers or walking shoes are a popular choice for travelers, but depending on the season and destination, sandals or lightweight hiking shoes may be suitable options as well. Remember to bring socks that are comfortable and appropriate for the shoes you plan to wear.


If you’re visiting a destination with access to beaches or swimming pools, don’t forget to pack your swimwear. Europe boasts a variety of beautiful beaches, from the Amalfi Coast in Italy to the Greek Islands. Even if you don’t plan on swimming, having a swimsuit on hand can be useful for relaxing by the pool or taking a dip in a natural hot spring. Consider packing a quick-drying towel as well, to save space in your luggage and ensure you have something to dry off with.


Having comfortable and suitable pajamas or nightwear is essential for a good night’s sleep while traveling. Opt for lightweight and breathable materials that will keep you cool and comfortable throughout the night. Depending on your personal preference, you may prefer sleeping in a t-shirt and shorts or a nightgown. Choose items that are easy to wash and quick to dry, as you may not always have access to laundry facilities during your trip.


It goes without saying that packing enough undergarments for your trip is important. Consider the length of your trip and pack accordingly. It’s always a good idea to bring a few extra pairs of underwear and socks, as they tend to get dirty or worn out more quickly than other items of clothing. Opt for comfortable and breathable materials, such as cotton, to ensure maximum comfort throughout the day.

Outerwear (depending on the season)

Depending on the season and destination of your European trip, you may need to pack appropriate outerwear. If you’re visiting during the summer months, a lightweight jacket or cardigan may be sufficient for cooler evenings. However, if you’re traveling during the colder months, be sure to pack a warm coat, gloves, and a hat to protect yourself from the cold. Research the average temperatures and weather conditions of your destination to ensure you pack the appropriate outerwear for your trip.

Toiletries and Personal Care

Toothbrush and toothpaste

It’s essential to pack your toothbrush and toothpaste to maintain good oral hygiene during your trip. Opt for a travel-sized toothpaste to save space in your luggage. Alternatively, you can also purchase a travel-sized toothpaste once you arrive at your destination if you prefer to pack light.

Shampoo and conditioner

To keep your hair clean and manageable during your trip, pack travel-sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Many hotels provide complimentary toiletries, but it’s always a good idea to have your own preferred products on hand. Consider investing in leak-proof travel-sized bottles to prevent any spills or messes in your luggage.

Body wash or soap

Having a travel-sized bottle of body wash or soap is essential for keeping your body clean and fresh during your trip. Opt for travel-sized bottles to minimize the amount of liquid you’ll be carrying with you. If you prefer bar soap, consider purchasing a travel-sized soap container to keep it clean and prevent it from getting wet or dirty.


Staying fresh and odor-free is important, especially when traveling. Pack your preferred deodorant to ensure you stay comfortable throughout the day. Consider opting for a travel-sized or roll-on deodorant to save space in your luggage.

Face cleanser and moisturizer

Properly caring for your skin is important, no matter where you are. Pack travel-sized bottles of your favorite face cleanser and moisturizer to keep your skin clean and hydrated during your trip. Depending on your skincare routine, you may also want to bring any additional products such as toners, serums, or face masks.


Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays is crucial, especially when traveling to sunny destinations. Pack a travel-sized bottle of sunscreen with a high SPF to ensure maximum protection. Even if you’re traveling during the winter months or visiting destinations with cooler temperatures, it’s still important to wear sunscreen as the sun can still be strong.

Insect repellent

If you’re visiting parts of Europe with a higher risk of mosquitoes or other insects, it’s a good idea to pack insect repellent. This will help protect you from bites and potential diseases. Look for repellents that contain ingredients such as DEET or picaridin, as they are effective against a wide range of insects.

Personal hygiene products

Pack any personal hygiene products you regularly use, such as feminine hygiene products, razors, or contact lenses. It’s important to have these items on hand to maintain your usual personal care routine while traveling. Consider packing travel-sized or compact versions of these products to save space in your luggage.

Medications (prescription and over-the-counter)

If you take any prescription medications, be sure to pack enough for the duration of your trip, plus a few extra days in case of unexpected delays. It’s also a good idea to carry a copy of your prescription or a doctor’s note, especially if you’re traveling internationally. Additionally, pack any over-the-counter medications you may need, such as pain relievers, allergy medication, or motion sickness tablets.

First aid kit

Having a basic first aid kit on hand is always a good idea when traveling. Pack items such as band-aids, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any other medication or supplies you may need in case of minor injuries or illnesses. Even if you don’t end up using everything in the first aid kit, it’s better to be prepared.


Smartphone and charger

Your smartphone will likely be your most useful companion during your trip, so don’t forget to pack it along with a charger. If you plan on using your phone extensively for navigation, translation, or communication purposes, consider investing in a portable charger to ensure you have enough battery power throughout the day.

Camera and spare batteries

Capturing memories of your trip is important, so be sure to pack your camera or smartphone with a good camera. If you’re bringing a camera, don’t forget to pack spare batteries or a charger to keep it powered. It’s always a good idea to have extra memory cards or storage space as well.

Adapter/Converter for power outlets

Different countries in Europe may have different types of power outlets. To ensure you can charge your electronic devices, pack an adapter or converter that is compatible with the outlets in the countries you’ll be visiting. It’s a good idea to do some research beforehand to determine which type of adapter you will need.

Portable power bank

A portable power bank can be a lifesaver when you’re out and about exploring Europe. It provides an extra source of power for your electronic devices, such as your smartphone or camera, when you can’t find an outlet to charge them. Look for a power bank with a high capacity to ensure it can fully charge your devices multiple times.

E-reader or tablet

If you enjoy reading or watching movies during your travels, consider packing an e-reader or tablet. These devices are lightweight and can hold a large number of books or movies, allowing you to carry an entire library with you. They can be particularly useful during long flights or train rides.


A good pair of headphones is essential for a long journey. Whether you’re listening to music, watching movies, or taking calls, having a reliable set of headphones will enhance your experience. Consider packing a noise-canceling pair to block out any unwanted noise during your travels.

Travel adapter

In addition to an adapter for power outlets, it’s also a good idea to have a travel adapter that can convert different plug types. This will allow you to charge multiple devices at once if needed. Look for a compact and lightweight adapter that is compatible with most types of plugs.

Travel Documents


Your passport is the most important document you’ll need when traveling internationally. Make sure it’s valid for at least six months beyond your intended departure date. Carry a copy of your passport in a separate location, and leave another copy with a trusted friend or family member back home.

Visas (if required)

Depending on your nationality and the countries you plan to visit, you may need a visa for your trip to Europe. Research the visa requirements well in advance and apply for any necessary visas in a timely manner. Keep copies of your visa documents with your other travel documents.

Airline tickets

Don’t forget to pack your airline tickets or e-tickets, as well as any boarding passes you may need for your flights. It’s also a good idea to have a digital copy of your tickets stored on your smartphone, just in case.

Hotel reservations

If you have made hotel reservations for your trip, make sure to have a copy of your confirmation or booking details. This will make the check-in process smoother and help avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

Travel insurance

Travel insurance is a must for any trip, providing coverage for unexpected events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage. Make sure to purchase travel insurance that suits your needs and have a copy of your policy information readily available.

Currency and credit cards

Before your trip, ensure you have enough local currency to cover your initial expenses upon arrival. It’s also a good idea to bring a mix of cash and credit cards for added convenience. Notify your bank and credit card companies of your travel plans to avoid any issues with using your cards abroad.

Emergency contacts

Prepare a list of emergency contacts, including the phone numbers of your embassy or consulate, your accommodation, and any family or friends back home. Keep a copy in your wallet or bag, and also save the information on your phone.

Copies of important documents

Make photocopies or scan copies of your passport, driver’s license, airline tickets, hotel reservations, and any other important documents. Keep the copies separate from the originals and leave another set of copies with a trusted person back home. These copies can be useful in case your original documents get lost or stolen during your trip.

Entertainment and Comfort

Travel pillow

A travel pillow can make a long journey much more comfortable, especially during flights or train rides. Look for a compact and inflatable travel pillow that can easily be packed in your carry-on bag.

Eye mask and earplugs

If you’re a light sleeper or traveling in a noisy environment, an eye mask and earplugs can be a lifesaver. They will help block out any unwanted noise or light, allowing you to get some rest and sleep during your journey.

Book or e-reader

If you enjoy reading, don’t forget to pack a good book or e-reader. It’s a great way to pass the time during flights or train rides, or when you simply want to relax and unwind during your trip.

Playing cards or travel games

Sometimes it’s nice to have some entertainment options that don’t involve screens. Pack a deck of playing cards or some travel-sized games that you can enjoy with your travel companions or fellow travelers.


Having some snacks on hand can be a lifesaver, especially during long flights or when you’re in between meals. Pack some non-perishable snacks, such as granola bars, nuts, or dried fruit, to keep you fueled and satisfied.

Portable charger for electronics

In addition to a portable power bank, it’s a good idea to have a portable charger specifically for your electronic devices, such as your smartphone or camera. This will ensure that you have enough power to keep your devices charged throughout your trip.

Travel journal or notebook

Keeping a travel journal or notebook is a great way to document your experiences and memories. It’s also a handy tool for jotting down important information, such as addresses, directions, or recommendations from locals.

Language guidebook or app

If you’re visiting a country where you don’t speak the language, having a language guidebook or app can be helpful for basic communication. It’s always appreciated when you make an effort to learn a few key phrases in the local language.


Reusable water bottle

Staying hydrated is important, especially when you’re on the go. Pack a reusable water bottle that you can refill throughout your trip. This not only helps reduce plastic waste but also saves you money by avoiding the need to constantly buy bottled water.

Tote bag or daypack

Having a tote bag or daypack can be incredibly useful for carrying your essential items during day trips or city explorations. Choose a bag that is lightweight, durable, and has enough space to carry your belongings comfortably.


While Europe may be known for its beautiful architecture and picturesque streets, it’s not immune to rain. Pack a compact umbrella that can easily fit in your bag, so you’re prepared for any unexpected showers.

Laundry bag

Having a laundry bag is essential for keeping your clean and dirty clothes separated during your trip. Opt for a lightweight and compact laundry bag that won’t take up much space in your luggage.

Ziplock bags for wet or dirty items

Ziplock bags are versatile and practical tools when traveling. They can be used to store wet or dirty clothes, protect important documents from getting wet, or even keep snacks fresh. Pack a few different sizes to accommodate various needs.

Travel locks

If you’re staying in accommodations where security might be a concern, consider packing travel locks to secure your luggage. These locks can be used to lock zippers on suitcases or lockers in hostels for added peace of mind.

Sewing kit

A small sewing kit can be a lifesaver when you’re on the go. Pack a few basic items such as needles, threads, and small buttons, in case you need to make quick repairs to your clothing or luggage.

Multi-purpose tool

A multi-purpose tool, such as a Swiss Army knife, can come in handy in a variety of situations. From opening bottles to fixing small issues, having a versatile tool can save you from minor inconveniences during your trip.

Travel laundry detergent

If you’re planning on doing laundry during your trip, pack a small travel-sized bottle of laundry detergent. This will allow you to do a quick and easy wash in your accommodation or a laundromat.

Travel pillowcase

If you’re bringing a travel pillow, consider packing a separate pillowcase for hygiene purposes. It’s always nice to have a clean pillowcase to use, especially during long journeys.

Money and Security

Wallet or money belt

Having a secure place to hold your cash, cards, and identification is important. Choose a wallet or money belt that can be worn discreetly under your clothing, to minimize the risk of pickpocketing or theft.

Hidden pocket or pouch

In addition to a wallet or money belt, consider investing in a hidden pocket or pouch that can be attached to your clothing. These provide an extra layer of security for your valuable belongings, such as your passport, credit cards, or cash.

Small combination lock

If you’re staying in accommodations with lockers or need to secure your luggage, pack a small combination lock. This will help protect your belongings and give you peace of mind while exploring.

Money in local currency

Before your trip, make sure to have some local currency on hand for immediate expenses. While credit cards are widely accepted in many places, having cash for smaller transactions or emergencies is always useful.

Passport holder

To protect your passport from damage or wear, consider investing in a passport holder. These come in various styles and materials, providing added protection and organization for your travel documents.

RFID-blocking sleeves or pouches

If you’re concerned about electronic pickpocketing or identity theft, consider purchasing RFID-blocking sleeves or pouches for your passport and credit cards. These can help prevent unauthorized scanning of your personal information.

Travel insurance information

In addition to having travel insurance, make sure to have all the relevant information readily available. This includes contact numbers for emergency assistance, policy details, and any necessary documents or proof of coverage.

Snacks and Refreshments

Granola bars or energy snacks

Having a stash of granola bars or energy snacks can be a lifesaver when you’re in need of a quick boost of energy. Pack snacks that are compact, non-perishable, and provide sustenance during times when you may not have access to a proper meal.

Bottled water

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially when exploring new destinations. While it’s important to minimize plastic waste, having a few bottles of water on hand during your travels can be convenient, particularly in areas where tap water may not be safe to drink.

Instant coffee or tea bags

If you’re a coffee or tea lover, consider packing some instant coffee or tea bags. This way, you can enjoy your favorite beverage even when you’re on the go or don’t have immediate access to a cafe or hotel with your preferred drink.

Travel-sized snacks

Packing small and travel-friendly snacks, such as fruit cups, trail mix, or individual servings of chips or crackers, can be convenient for those moments when hunger strikes and you’re away from dining options.

Reusable cutlery and container

To minimize waste and be more eco-friendly, consider packing reusable cutlery and a small container. These can be used for snacks, picnics, or takeout food, reducing the need for single-use plastic cutlery or containers.

Small cooler bag

If you plan on bringing perishable snacks or food items, such as fruits or cheese, a small cooler bag can be useful to keep them fresh and cool. Look for a compact and collapsible cooler bag that won’t take up much space in your luggage.


Comfortable walking shoes

Having comfortable walking shoes is essential for any trip, especially when you’ll be exploring new cities and attractions on foot. Choose shoes that provide good support and cushioning, and that you have worn and broken in before your trip to avoid blisters or discomfort.

Sandals or flip-flops (for warmer climates)

If you’re traveling to a destination with warmer weather or beach access, pack a pair of sandals or flip-flops. These will provide relief from the heat and allow your feet to breathe, especially during hot summer days.


Don’t forget to pack socks that are suitable for the shoes you plan to wear. Whether you prefer ankle socks, crew socks, or athletic socks, make sure you have enough pairs to keep your feet comfortable and dry throughout your trip.

Shoe cleaning supplies

To keep your shoes looking clean and presentable, consider packing some shoe cleaning supplies. A small brush or sponge can be useful for removing dirt or stains, while shoe polish or wipes will help maintain their appearance.

Travel Accessories

Luggage tags and identifiers

To easily identify your luggage and prevent any mix-ups, attach luggage tags or identifiers to your suitcases or bags. Include your name, contact information, and any other relevant details that will help distinguish your luggage from others.

Travel-sized toiletries

To save space and comply with carry-on restrictions, opt for travel-sized toiletries. Many brands offer travel-sized versions of their products, or you can purchase empty travel-sized bottles to fill with your preferred toiletries.

Sleeping mask and earplugs

If you’re a light sleeper or anticipate sleeping in noisy environments, pack a sleeping mask and earplugs. These will help block out any unwanted noise or light, allowing you to get a restful night’s sleep.

Travel-sized laundry detergent

If you plan on doing laundry during your trip, pack a travel-sized bottle of laundry detergent. This will ensure you have the necessary supplies to wash your clothes and freshen them up during your journey.

Travel-sized sewing kit

A small sewing kit can be a lifesaver when traveling. Pack a few basic items such as needles, threads, and small buttons, in case you need to make quick repairs to your clothing or luggage.

Travel-sized first aid kit

Having a basic first aid kit on hand is always a good idea when traveling. Pack items such as band-aids, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any other medication or supplies you may need in case of minor injuries or illnesses.