The Top 10 Capital Cities to Visit in Europe

“The Top 10 Capital Cities to Visit in Europe” is a video by Ryan Shirley that explores the fascinating capital cities of Europe. From the medieval charm of Tallinn, Estonia, to the iconic landmarks of London, UK, and the rich culture of Lisbon, Portugal, this video takes you on a virtual journey across the continent. With a focus on each city’s unique attractions, such as Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, and the Charles Bridge in Prague, Ryan Shirley highlights the diversity and variety that Europe’s capital cities have to offer. So, if you’re looking for travel inspiration or simply want to learn more about these incredible cities, this video is a must-watch.

In addition to showcasing these top 10 capital cities, Ryan Shirley also invites viewers to check out his second relaxation channel and follow him on social media. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of Europe’s capital cities through this captivating video.

Tallinn, Estonia

Medieval Charm and Strategic Positioning

Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is a hidden gem that combines medieval charm with a strategic positioning. With its city rights dating back to 1248, Tallinn quickly became a major trading hub due to its location on the coast of the Baltic Sea. This strategic positioning allowed Tallinn to develop strong trade connections with nearby cities such as Helsinki, Stockholm, and even St. Petersburg, Russia.

One of the most impressive aspects of Tallinn is its well-preserved medieval old town. It is one of Europe’s most well-preserved medieval cities, with its cobblestone streets and intricate architecture. Walking through the old town feels like stepping back in time, as you are surrounded by centuries-old buildings and stunning architecture. The tall spires of churches and the defense walls give the city a unique and picturesque atmosphere that is both charming and historically significant.

Aside from its medieval charm, Tallinn is also known for its booming startup scene. In fact, it has the highest number of startups per person anywhere in Europe. This thriving environment has attracted young entrepreneurs and tech enthusiasts from all over the world. If you’re interested in innovation and technology, a visit to Tallinn’s vibrant startup community is definitely worth your time.

Tallinn has also gained recognition on the big screen, with the city being featured in Christopher Nolan’s recent film, “Tenet.” The movie showcases the city’s beautiful architecture and highlights its unique blend of historical and modern elements. Whether you’re a history buff, a tech enthusiast, or a film lover, Tallinn offers something for everyone and should definitely be on your list of must-visit European capital cities.

Moscow, Russia

Unique Architecture and Landmarks

Moscow, the capital of Russia, is known for its unique architecture and landmarks that leave visitors in awe. As one of the world’s most northern and coldest mega cities, Moscow stands as a testament to human resilience and architectural brilliance.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Moscow is Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Completed in 1561 under the orders of Ivan the Terrible, this cathedral boasts colorful onion-shaped domes that make it instantly recognizable. Its unique and intricate architectural style is one of the major highlights of a visit to Moscow.

Next to Saint Basil’s Cathedral stands the Moscow Kremlin, a fortified complex that has served as the official residence of Russian leaders for centuries. The Kremlin’s stunning architectural design and historical significance make it a must-visit attraction in Moscow. Exploring the Kremlin allows visitors to delve into Russia’s rich history and witness firsthand the grandeur of the country’s past.

Another architectural marvel in Moscow is the Moscow State University. This building, with its Gothic towers and ornate design, looks like something straight out of a Batman movie. It serves as a symbol of academic excellence and stands as a prominent feature in Moscow’s skyline.

Moscow also offers countless other intriguing places to visit, from grand museums to historical sites. The city’s rich cultural heritage and architectural diversity make it a fascinating destination for any traveler.

London, UK

Vibrant City and Iconic Landmarks

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is a vibrant city that captivates visitors with its lively atmosphere and iconic landmarks. From double-decker buses to the energy of Piccadilly Circus, London offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

One of the most famous landmarks in London is Big Ben. This iconic clock tower is located next to the Palace of Westminster and is a symbol of British resilience and history. Walking across the nearby bridge, visitors can enjoy stunning views of the River Thames and the city’s skyline.

Buckingham Palace is another must-see attraction in London. It is the official residence of the British monarch and has become a symbol of royalty and prestige. Watching the Changing of the Guard ceremony is a popular activity for tourists and offers a glimpse into the rich traditions of the British monarchy.

London’s Tower Bridge is possibly the most famous bridge in the city. Its majestic design and intricate details make it a true architectural masterpiece. Walking across the bridge provides breathtaking panoramic views of London, showcasing both its historical and modern elements.

Other notable attractions in London include the stoic guards at Buckingham Palace, the London Eye for a bird’s eye view of the city, and the bustling streets of Covent Garden and Camden Market. From world-class museums to charming neighborhoods, London has something to offer for everyone.

The energy and diversity of London make it a city like no other. Its iconic landmarks, vibrant culture, and rich history combine to create an unforgettable experience for visitors.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Medieval Town and Stunning Views

Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is a city that effortlessly combines its medieval past with stunning natural landscapes. Stepping foot in Edinburgh is like stepping back in time, as its neoclassical buildings, cobblestone streets, and centuries-old architecture transport visitors to a different era.

The highlight of Edinburgh is undoubtedly its medieval old town. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a labyrinth of narrow streets, historical buildings, and hidden closes (alleyways) that captivate visitors with their charm and character. Taking a walk through the old town feels like being inside a storybook, with each corner revealing a new discovery.

Overlooking the city is Edinburgh Castle, a magnificent fortress that has witnessed centuries of history. From its position atop Castle Rock, the castle offers panoramic views of the city and serves as a reminder of Scotland’s rich and turbulent past. Exploring the castle allows visitors to delve into Scottish history and experience the grandeur of its royal heritage.

For breathtaking views of the city, a visit to Carlton Hill and Arthur’s Seat is a must. Carlton Hill offers a sweeping vista of the entire city, with its iconic monuments adding a touch of elegance. Arthur’s Seat, an extinct volcano located in Holyrood Park, provides a slightly more adventurous hike but rewards visitors with unparalleled views of Edinburgh and its surrounding landscapes.

Edinburgh is also famous for its festivals, including the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the largest arts festival in the world. Every August, the city comes alive with performers, artists, and musicians from around the globe, creating a vibrant and electric atmosphere.

Whether you’re drawn to its medieval past, stunning views, or vibrant festivals, Edinburgh is a city that promises to leave a lasting impression.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Elaborate Canal System and World-Famous Museums

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is a city known for its elaborate canal system, historical significance, and world-famous museums. From charming canals to iconic museums, Amsterdam offers a unique blend of history, culture, and beauty.

The first thing that strikes visitors upon arriving in Amsterdam is the intricate network of canals that wind their way through the city. The canals, which date back to the 12th century, are lined with narrow houses and countless bridges, creating a picturesque and romantic atmosphere. Taking a boat tour or simply strolling alongside the canals is a delightful way to experience the city and appreciate its architectural beauty.

Amsterdam’s museums are another major draw for visitors. The Van Gogh Museum showcases the works of the famous Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh, and houses the largest collection of his paintings in the world. From his well-known masterpieces to lesser-known works, the museum offers a comprehensive look into the life and art of this iconic figure.

Another must-visit museum is the Rijksmuseum, which displays an extensive collection of Dutch masterpieces, including Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch.” The museum’s stunning architecture and impressive collection make it a highlight of any visit to Amsterdam.

Aside from its canals and museums, Amsterdam is also known for its historical significance. The city originated as a small fishing village in the 12th century and grew to become one of the world’s most important trading ports in the 17th century. This rich history is evident in the city’s architecture and cultural heritage.

Exploring Amsterdam’s vibrant neighborhoods, such as Jordaan and De Pijp, allows visitors to experience the local culture, indulge in delicious Dutch cuisine, and discover hidden gems along the way. From quaint cafes to bustling markets, there is always something new to explore in this captivating city.

Amsterdam’s elaborate canal system, world-famous museums, and rich history make it a must-see destination for any traveler.

Budapest, Hungary

Photogenic Qualities and Iconic Structures

Budapest, the capital of Hungary, stands out as one of Europe’s most photogenic destinations, with its stunning architecture and iconic structures. From the banks of the Danube River to its historic landmarks, Budapest offers a visual feast for visitors.

The Danube River runs right through Budapest, dividing the city into the hilly Buda side and the flat Pest side. This unique geography gives Budapest a distinct charm, with its picturesque riverfront scenes and panoramic views. Walking along the banks of the Danube offers a romantic and relaxing experience, with stunning views of the city’s iconic structures.

One of the most famous landmarks in Budapest is the Chain Bridge. This majestic suspension bridge spans the Danube and is a symbol of the city’s architectural prowess. Crossing the bridge not only provides access to both sides of the city but also offers breathtaking views of Budapest’s skyline, especially at sunset.

Another iconic structure in Budapest is the Hungarian Parliament Building. With its Gothic Revival architecture and towering presence, it is one of the most impressive parliamentary buildings in the world. The building’s stunning design and intricate details make it a must-see attraction for visitors.

Budapest is also famous for its thermal baths, which are a result of the city’s abundance of natural hot springs. The Széchenyi Thermal Bath is the largest thermal bath in Europe and is known for its medicinal properties. It offers visitors a unique opportunity to relax and rejuvenate in its warm mineral-rich waters.

Whether you’re captivated by its architectural beauty, drawn to its serene riverfront scenes, or seeking relaxation in its thermal baths, Budapest is a city that will leave you with memories and photographs to cherish.

Prague, Czech Republic

Political, Cultural, and Economic Center of Europe

Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic, holds the distinction of being the political, cultural, and economic center of Europe. With its rich history, architectural treasures, and vibrant cultural scene, Prague is a city that continues to captivate visitors from around the world.

Prague’s historic significance is evident in its architecture, with buildings that span centuries of artistic and architectural styles. One of the most iconic attractions in Prague is the Charles Bridge. Construction of this magnificent bridge began in 1357 and was completed in the early 15th century. Adorned with over 30 statues and offering breathtaking views of the Vltava River, the Charles Bridge is a must-visit landmark.

The Old Town Square is another central hub of activity in Prague. Surrounded by historical buildings, churches, and the Astronomical Clock, the square is a lively place where locals and tourists gather to soak in the city’s atmosphere. The Prague Castle, the largest ancient castle in the world, is perched high above the city and houses a wealth of history and architectural wonders.

Prague’s cultural scene is thriving, with theaters, galleries, and performance venues showcasing a wide range of artistic expressions. The city hosts various music festivals and cultural events throughout the year, attracting both local and international talent.

As the political center of Europe, Prague’s historical significance extends beyond its architectural wonders. The city has been the residence of Roman emperors and has played a pivotal role in European politics throughout the ages. Exploring Prague allows visitors to immerse themselves in the rich history of the region and witness the cultural influences that have shaped the city over the centuries.

Prague’s position as a cultural and economic powerhouse combined with its breathtaking architecture and historical significance make it a must-visit destination for any traveler.

Berlin, Germany

Complex History and Landmarks

Berlin, the capital of Germany, is a city with a complex history that is reflected in its landmarks and cultural heritage. From the remnants of the Berlin Wall to the iconic Brandenburg Gate, Berlin offers insight into the triumphs and struggles of the past.

Berlin’s history is most evident in the remnants of the Berlin Wall, which divided the city for nearly three decades. Today, parts of the wall still stand as a powerful reminder of the city’s division and subsequent reunification. The East Side Gallery, an open-air gallery showcasing murals on a stretch of the original wall, stands as a symbol of reconciliation and artistic expression.

The Brandenburg Gate is another iconic landmark of Berlin. This neoclassical triumphal arch has witnessed numerous significant moments in German history, from Napoleon’s triumphal entry to the fall of the Berlin Wall. It stands as a symbol of peace, unity, and freedom.

Berlin’s complex history is further explored at various museums and memorial sites. The Holocaust Memorial, also known as the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, is a somber and thought-provoking tribute to the victims of the Holocaust. The Topography of Terror exhibition showcases the site of the former Gestapo headquarters, shedding light on the crimes of the Nazi regime.

Aside from its historical landmarks, Berlin is also known for its vibrant and diverse cultural scene. The city is home to numerous world-class museums, art galleries, and theaters, offering a wealth of artistic and cultural experiences.

Exploring Berlin allows visitors to gain a deeper understanding of Germany’s history and its impact on the world. From its poignant memorials to its thriving cultural scene, Berlin is a city that invites reflection, exploration, and celebration of human resilience.

Lisbon, Portugal

Rich Culture and Historical Landmarks

Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is a city known for its rich culture, historical landmarks, and beautiful landscapes. From its beautifully designed parks to its breathtaking beaches, Lisbon offers a remarkable blend of history and natural beauty.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Lisbon is the Sanctuary of Christ the King monument. Located across the Tagus River, this monument stands in resemblance to Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue. From its vantage point, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the city and the river.

The Commerce Square, also known as Praça do Comércio, is another highlight of Lisbon. This grand square is surrounded by elegant buildings and offers a great starting point for exploring the city. It is a hub of activity, with numerous cafes and shops lining the square.

One of the most beautiful parks in Lisbon is Parque Eduardo VII. This park is known for its beautifully designed hedges, serene atmosphere, and stunning views of the city. It provides a peaceful retreat where visitors can escape the bustle of the city and enjoy nature at its finest.

The Belém Tower is another historical landmark worth visiting. It served as a point of embarkation for Portuguese explorers during the Age of Discovery and stands as a symbol of Portugal’s maritime past. The intricate detail and impressive structure of the tower make it a must-see attraction in Lisbon.

Lisbon is also known for its vibrant cultural scene, with numerous museums, art galleries, and theaters showcasing the country’s rich artistic heritage. The city’s music and nightlife scene is also flourishing, offering visitors a chance to experience traditional Fado music and explore vibrant districts such as Bairro Alto.

Adding to the allure of Lisbon is its proximity to stunning beaches such as Ursa Beach. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day by the sea or an opportunity to surf the Atlantic waves, Lisbon’s beaches offer a perfect escape from the city.

With its rich culture, historical landmarks, and beautiful parks and beaches, Lisbon is a city that promises a truly enriching and enjoyable experience for any traveler.


Europe’s capital cities offer a diverse range of attractions and experiences that appeal to travelers from all over the world. From the medieval charm of Tallinn, Estonia, to the vibrant cityscape of London, UK, each capital has its own unique blend of history, culture, and landmarks to explore.

Moscow, Russia, captivates visitors with its unique architecture, including Saint Basil’s Cathedral and the Moscow Kremlin. Edinburgh, Scotland, transports visitors back in time with its medieval town and stunning views from Carlton Hill and Arthur’s Seat.

Amsterdam, Netherlands, beckons visitors with its elaborate canal system, historical significance, and world-famous museums. Budapest, Hungary, stands out for its photogenic qualities, including the Chain Bridge and the Hungarian Parliament Building. Prague, Czech Republic, serves as the political, cultural, and economic center of Europe, with iconic structures such as Charles Bridge and the Prague Castle.

Berlin, Germany, offers a glimpse into its complex history through its landmarks, such as the Brandenburg Gate and remnants of the Berlin Wall. Lisbon, Portugal, delights visitors with its rich culture, historical landmarks like the Christ the King monument, and beautiful parks and beaches.

Each capital city has its own unique appeal and leaves a lasting impression on visitors. Whether you’re drawn to medieval charm, stunning architecture, rich history, or vibrant cultural scenes, Europe’s capital cities offer a wealth of experiences to explore and enjoy.