Ryan Shirley’s Guide to Creating Stunning Hyperlapses with Your iPhone

Hey there! Are you ready to learn how to create stunning hyperlapses with your iPhone? Well, you’re in luck because Ryan Shirley has got you covered with his comprehensive guide. In this tutorial, Ryan will show you the step-by-step process of creating hyperlapse videos using only your iPhone and a few simple techniques. He’ll even teach you how to stabilize your footage using Adobe Premiere or After Effects. So if you’ve always wanted to try your hand at hyperlapse photography but found it intimidating, fear not! Ryan will show you just how easy and fun it can be. Get ready to take your videos to the next level with this amazing tutorial by Ryan Shirley!

Hyperlapses can honestly be intimidating. That’s how I felt at least! One day I was messing around with my iPhone’s timelapse feature and figured out I could do hyperlapses! So needless to say, it’s been my hobby these last few weeks! It only takes a minute or two and its way easier than the traditional way. To stabilize the footage even more, apply warp stabilizer in Adobe Premiere or After Effects. More epic vlogs/tutorials coming soon!! Thanks for watching 🙂 Follow me on Instagram @shirley.films

Overview of Hyperlapses

What is a Hyperlapse?

A hyperlapse is a technique used in videography to create a fast-motion or time-lapse effect in a video. It involves capturing a series of still images over a long period of time and then combining them together to create a smooth and accelerated video. The result is a visually stunning and dynamic video that showcases the passage of time in a unique and captivating way.

Why use an iPhone for Hyperlapses?

When it comes to creating hyperlapses, using an iPhone can be a great choice. iPhones are known for their high-quality cameras and advanced features, making them the perfect tool for capturing stunning footage. Additionally, iPhones are equipped with user-friendly apps and settings that make it easy to shoot and edit hyperlapses right from your device. With an iPhone, you have everything you need to create professional-looking hyperlapses at your fingertips.

Benefits of Creating Hyperlapses with an iPhone

There are several benefits to using an iPhone for creating hyperlapses. Firstly, iPhones are portable and convenient, allowing you to capture hyperlapses anytime and anywhere. Additionally, iPhones offer a variety of features, such as time-lapse mode and manual controls, that give you more control over the outcome of your hyperlapses. Furthermore, iPhones have a range of editing apps available, making it easy to import, edit, and share your hyperlapses directly from your device. Overall, using an iPhone for hyperlapses offers convenience, versatility, and high-quality results.

Preparing Your iPhone for Hyperlapses

Choosing a Good Subject

Before you start shooting your hyperlapse, it’s important to choose a subject that is visually interesting and dynamic. Look for subjects or scenes that have movement or change over time, such as a bustling city street, a flowing river, or a sunset. By selecting a captivating subject, you can enhance the visual impact of your hyperlapse and create a more engaging video.

Using a Tripod or Stabilizer

To ensure smooth and stable footage, it is recommended to use a tripod or stabilizer when shooting hyperlapses with your iPhone. This will help eliminate any shakiness or unwanted movements that can occur when shooting handheld. There are various tripod and stabilizer options available specifically designed for iPhones, ranging from small and portable tripods to handheld gimbal stabilizers. Investing in a tripod or stabilizer will greatly improve the quality of your hyperlapses.

Setting Up the Time-lapse Feature

Before you start shooting your hyperlapse, make sure to set up the time-lapse feature on your iPhone. The time-lapse mode can be found in the native Camera app, usually represented by a clock icon. Once in the time-lapse mode, you can adjust the interval between each frame and the total duration of the hyperlapse. Experiment with different intervals and durations to achieve the desired effect. It is also recommended to shoot in landscape mode for better composition and visual balance.

Shooting Hyperlapses with Your iPhone

Finding the Right Composition

Composition plays a crucial role in creating visually appealing hyperlapses. When framing your shot, consider the rule of thirds and try to position your subject off-center for a more balanced and interesting composition. Pay attention to the background elements and make sure they complement your subject. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to find the most captivating composition for your hyperlapse.

Adjusting Exposure and Focus

To ensure optimal exposure and focus in your hyperlapse, it’s important to manually adjust these settings on your iPhone. In the camera app, tap and hold on the screen to activate the AE/AF lock, which allows you to lock the exposure and focus settings. This will prevent the camera from adjusting these settings automatically during the hyperlapse. By manually adjusting the exposure and focus, you can ensure consistent and well-exposed footage throughout the entire hyperlapse.

Using Manual Controls for More Control

For more advanced users, utilizing manual controls can provide greater control and creative freedom in your hyperlapses. There are various third-party camera apps available that offer manual control over settings such as shutter speed, ISO, and white balance. These manual controls allow you to fine-tune the image quality and create hyperlapses with unique visual effects. Experiment with different settings and techniques to achieve the desired look and feel for your hyperlapses.

Editing Your Hyperlapses

Importing Footage into Editing Software

Once you have captured your hyperlapse footage on your iPhone, the next step is to import it into a video editing software for further editing and enhancement. There are several video editing apps available for iPhones, such as iMovie, Adobe Premiere Rush, and LumaFusion. These apps allow you to import your footage, trim, rearrange, and apply various effects to your hyperlapse.

Applying Warp Stabilizer for Smooth Footage

To further stabilize and smooth out your hyperlapse footage, you can use video editing software with a built-in stabilization feature like Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects. Applying warp stabilizer to your hyperlapse will help minimize any camera shake or unwanted movements, resulting in a more polished and professional-looking video. Experiment with different stabilization settings to find the right balance between stability and maintaining the dynamic nature of the hyperlapse.

Adjusting Speed and Playback

One of the benefits of creating hyperlapses is the ability to manipulate the speed and playback of your footage. In the editing software, you can adjust the speed of your hyperlapse to create a fast-motion effect or slow it down for a more dramatic and immersive experience. Additionally, you can experiment with adding transitions and overlays to enhance the visual appeal of your hyperlapse. Play around with different editing techniques and effects to achieve the desired look and storytelling effect.

Adding Visual Effects to Your Hyperlapses

Using Filters and Presets

To enhance the visual aesthetics of your hyperlapses, you can apply filters and presets to add a unique and creative look. Many video editing apps offer a wide range of filters and presets that can instantly transform the mood and tone of your hyperlapse. Experiment with different styles and effects to find the one that best suits the subject and story of your hyperlapse.

Adding Transitions and Motion Graphics

Transitions and motion graphics can add a professional and polished touch to your hyperlapses. Consider adding smooth transitions between different scenes or shots to create a seamless and cohesive video. Additionally, incorporating motion graphics, such as text overlays or animated elements, can bring a dynamic and engaging element to your hyperlapse. Take advantage of the editing software’s features and tools to add these visual effects and elevate the overall quality of your hyperlapse.

Enhancing Colors and Contrast

Color grading is an important step in post-production to enhance the visual impact of your hyperlapses. Use the editing software’s color correction tools to adjust the colors, contrast, and saturation of your footage. This will allow you to achieve a consistent and visually pleasing look for your hyperlapse. Experiment with different color grading techniques to create a specific mood or atmosphere that complements the subject and story of your hyperlapse.

Sharing Your Hyperlapses

Uploading to Social Media Platforms

Once you have finished editing your hyperlapse, it’s time to share it with the world. Uploading your hyperlapse to social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok allows you to showcase your work and reach a wider audience. Most social media platforms have specific guidelines and aspect ratios for videos, so make sure to format your hyperlapse accordingly before uploading.

Creating Hyperlapse Stories on Instagram

Instagram offers a unique feature called “Hyperlapse Stories”, which allows you to create a series of hyperlapse videos that play in a loop. This feature is perfect for showcasing an entire day’s worth of footage or capturing a continuous movement or event. Take advantage of this feature to create visually captivating and immersive hyperlapse stories that keep your audience engaged.

Sharing with Friends and Family

In addition to sharing your hyperlapses on social media, don’t forget to share them with your friends and family. Whether it’s through messaging apps, email, or even hosting a small viewing party, sharing your hyperlapses with your loved ones allows you to celebrate your creativity and passion. Encourage feedback and support from your close circle to continue honing your skills and inspire others with your breathtaking hyperlapses.

Tips and Tricks for Stunning Hyperlapses

Finding Unique Perspectives and Locations

To create truly stunning hyperlapses, challenge yourself to find unique perspectives and locations that are not commonly seen. Explore different vantage points, experiment with unconventional angles, and seek out hidden gems that will make your hyperlapses stand out. By thinking outside the box and being adventurous, you can capture hyperlapses that are visually captivating and create a sense of wonder.

Experimenting with Different Speeds and Movements

The beauty of hyperlapses lies in their ability to manipulate time and movement. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different speeds and movements in your hyperlapses. Play around with varying the interval between frames, adjusting the playback speed, or incorporating camera movements such as pans or zooms. By exploring different techniques, you can create hyperlapses that evoke different emotions and tell unique stories.

Avoiding Common Mistakes for Better Hyperlapses

When shooting hyperlapses, it’s important to be mindful of common mistakes that can negatively impact the quality of your footage. Some common mistakes to avoid include shaky camera movements, inconsistent exposure or focus, excessive panning or zooming, and over-editing. Take your time to plan and execute your hyperlapses carefully, paying attention to details and ensuring a smooth and visually pleasing result.

Common FAQs about Hyperlapses

What are the best apps for editing Hyperlapses?

There are several great apps for editing hyperlapses on your iPhone. Some popular options include iMovie, Adobe Premiere Rush, LumaFusion, and Hyperlapse by Instagram. These apps offer various editing tools, effects, and presets to help you create stunning hyperlapses with ease.

Can you use an Android phone for Hyperlapses?

Absolutely! Hyperlapse techniques can be applied to any smartphone, including Android phones. While the specific features and settings may differ between iPhone and Android, the overall process of shooting and editing hyperlapses remains the same. Look for time-lapse or hyperlapse features in your camera app or explore third-party apps that offer additional manual controls for more creative freedom.

How to avoid shakiness in Hyperlapses?

Shakiness can often occur when shooting handheld hyperlapses. To avoid unwanted shake and ensure smooth footage, it is recommended to use a tripod or stabilizer. Investing in a smartphone tripod or handheld gimbal stabilizer will greatly improve the stability and quality of your hyperlapses. Additionally, using the AE/AF lock in your camera app or applying post-production stabilization techniques can further minimize shakiness.

Examples of Stunning Hyperlapses

Day to Night Hyperlapse

A day to night hyperlapse showcases the transition of light and activity from day to night. By capturing a series of images from dawn to dusk and combining them into a single video, you can create a mesmerizing hyperlapse that captures the changing colors of the sky and the bustling energy of a city.

Cityscape Hyperlapse

Cityscape hyperlapses highlight the fast-paced and dynamic nature of urban environments. By capturing the movement of traffic, people, and city lights, you can create hyperlapses that encapsulate the vibrant energy and architectural beauty of a city.

Nature Hyperlapse

Nature hyperlapses allow you to capture the slow and subtle changes that occur in natural environments over time. Whether it’s the blooming of flowers, the movement of clouds, or the changing colors of the seasons, nature hyperlapses provide a unique perspective on the beauty and transformation of the natural world.


Mastering the art of hyperlapses with your iPhone opens up a world of creative possibilities. With the right techniques, apps, and equipment, you can capture stunning hyperlapses that showcase the passage of time in a visually captivating way. Whether you’re sharing your hyperlapses on social media, creating hyperlapse stories, or simply enjoying the process as a hobby, the key is to experiment, have fun, and let your creativity soar. By mastering the techniques outlined in this article and continuously pushing the boundaries of your creativity, you can inspire others with your breathtaking hyperlapses and leave a lasting impression. So grab your iPhone, go out there, and start creating your own stunning hyperlapses!