Modifying Popular Videos to Get More Views

Hey there! Today I want to share with you 5 easy tips on how to get one million views on your YouTube videos. The first tip is to have a catchy title and thumbnail that is searchable, grabs the viewer’s attention, and accurately describes the video. Secondly, you want to create thumbnails that create curiosity or spark a question in the viewer’s mind. Moving on, it’s important to stay on top of YouTube trends and modify popular videos to make them your own. Additionally, creating shareable content, such as funny or inspiring videos, can help you reach a wider audience. And last but not least, consistency is key. Keep uploading quality content regularly, and with time, you will see success. I hope these tips help you get more views on your channel!

Catchy Titles and Thumbnails

Searchable title

When creating a title for your YouTube video, it’s important to think about what people are searching for on YouTube. You want to choose a title that is relevant and easily discoverable by viewers. Think about the keywords that relate to the content of your video and incorporate them into your title. This will increase the chances of your video appearing in search results and attracting more views.

Attention-grabbing title

In order to capture the attention of viewers, your video title should be enticing and intriguing. Use words that generate curiosity and make people want to click on your video. Think about what makes your content unique and highlight that in your title. By creating an attention-grabbing title, you increase the chances of viewers clicking on your video and watching it.

Truthful and intriguing title

While it’s important to have a catchy and attention-grabbing title, it’s equally important that the title accurately reflects the content of your video. Be truthful about what viewers can expect to see in your video, as misleading titles can lead to disappointment and negative feedback. Combine the truthfulness of your title with an intriguing element that piques the curiosity of viewers, making them eager to watch your video.

Curiosity-inducing thumbnail

The thumbnail of your YouTube video is the first impression viewers have of your content, so it’s crucial to make it visually appealing and intriguing. Create a thumbnail that sparks curiosity and makes viewers want to click on your video. Use images that are relevant to your content and that will grab the attention of viewers as they browse through their recommended videos. A well-designed and curiosity-inducing thumbnail can significantly increase the click-through rate of your video.

Question-sparking thumbnail

Another effective strategy for creating an engaging thumbnail is to use visuals that spark a question in the minds of viewers. When they see your thumbnail, they should be curious about what the answer to that question is and therefore feel compelled to click on your video to find out. This technique can be especially powerful when combined with an attention-grabbing title. By using a question-sparking thumbnail, you can increase the chances of viewers clicking on your video and watching it.

Engaging thumbnail

To draw viewers in and make them interested in watching your video, it’s important to have an engaging thumbnail. Choose an image that captures the essence of your content and evokes an emotional response. The thumbnail should be visually appealing and make viewers want to explore your video further. By creating an engaging thumbnail, you increase the likelihood of viewers clicking on your video and staying engaged throughout.

Modifying Popular Videos

Choose a popular video

When trying to gain views on YouTube, it can be helpful to start by identifying popular videos in your niche. Look for videos that have already gained a significant number of views and have a high engagement rate. By choosing a popular video as a reference point, you can gain insights into the type of content that resonates with viewers and apply those learnings to your own videos.

Make it your own

While it’s important to take inspiration from popular videos, it’s crucial to make your content unique and original. Find a way to put your own spin on the topic or add your own personal touch to differentiate yourself from other creators. By creating content that is distinct and authentic, you increase the chances of viewers choosing to watch your video over others.

Offer something bigger or different

When modifying a popular video, aim to offer something bigger or different than what viewers have already seen. You want to provide a fresh perspective or add value in a way that sets your video apart. This could involve exploring a topic in more depth, conducting experiments, or providing a unique twist. By offering something bigger or different, you can attract viewers who are looking for a new and exciting take on a popular subject.

Staying on Top of Trends

Identify trending topics

One of the keys to gaining views on YouTube is staying on top of current trends. Keep an eye out for topics that are currently popular or gaining traction in your niche. This could involve monitoring social media trends, following relevant news sources, or paying attention to what other creators in your community are talking about. By identifying trending topics, you can create content that is timely and relevant, increasing the chances of your video appearing in search results and attracting more views.

Create content related to the trend

Once you have identified a trending topic, it’s important to create content that is related to that trend. This could involve providing a unique perspective, sharing your own experiences, or offering valuable insights. By creating content that is aligned with current trends, you increase the chances of your video being discovered by viewers who are actively searching for information or entertainment on that topic.

Creating Shareable Content

Make people laugh

One of the most effective ways to make your videos shareable is to create content that makes people laugh. Humor has a universal appeal and can easily resonate with viewers. Incorporate funny elements, witty remarks, or humorous skits into your videos to entertain your audience and encourage them to share your content with others.

Inspire viewers

Another approach to creating shareable content is to inspire your viewers. Tap into their emotions by telling powerful stories, showcasing personal achievements, or sharing motivational messages. When viewers feel a deep connection with your content, they are more likely to share it with others who can benefit from the inspiration as well.

Create something unique

If you want your videos to stand out and be shared by viewers, it’s important to create something unique. Think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas or concepts that haven’t been done before. By offering fresh and original content, you increase the chances of your videos going viral and being shared across various platforms.

Controversial content (within legal boundaries)

While creating controversial content can be risky, it can also generate a lot of attention and shares. When done tastefully and within legal boundaries, controversial content can spark conversations and ignite the interest of viewers. Just make sure to approach sensitive topics with respect and consider the potential impact of your content on your audience.

Consistent Quality Content

Keep uploading regularly

Consistency is key when it comes to gaining views on YouTube. Make a commitment to upload videos on a regular basis, whether it’s once a week, twice a month, or even daily. By maintaining a regular uploading schedule, you signal to viewers that you are committed to providing them with valuable content and make it easier for them to develop a habit of watching your videos.

Focus on quality

While consistency is important, it should never come at the expense of quality. Strive to create videos that are well-produced, visually appealing, and provide value to your audience. Invest in good equipment, learn video editing techniques, and continuously work on improving the overall quality of your content. By focusing on quality, you increase the chances of viewers watching your videos all the way through and being more likely to share them with others.

Expect gradual success

Building a successful YouTube channel takes time and patience. It’s important to manage your expectations and not get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep in mind that success on YouTube is often a gradual process, with views and subscribers growing over time. Stay committed to consistently creating high-quality content and trust that success will come with persistence and dedication.


In conclusion, gaining one million views on YouTube may seem challenging, but with the right strategies, it is achievable. By focusing on creating catchy titles and thumbnails, modifying popular videos, staying on top of trends, creating shareable content, and consistently delivering high-quality videos, you increase the chances of attracting more views and growing your channel. Remember to be authentic, unique, and continually adapt to the ever-changing landscape of YouTube. With time, dedication, and the implementation of these strategies, success is within reach. So go out there, create amazing content, and watch your channel thrive!