Marriage Proposal in Belize – A Beautiful Surprise

In the captivating vlog titled “Marriage Proposal in Belize – A Beautiful Surprise,” Ryan Shirley takes us on an adventure filled with stunning scenery, exciting activities, and a heartwarming proposal. Accompanied by his friends Keith and Mckae, Ryan documents their journey as they explore Belize and create unforgettable memories. From climbing towering Mayan ruins to experiencing the breathtaking beauty of Big Rock Falls, the vlog captures the essence of their trip with raw, behind-the-scenes footage. Amidst all the excitement, the highlight of the vlog is Keith’s surprise marriage proposal to Mckae, bringing joy and tears to the viewers. It’s a vlog that showcases the beauty of Belize while celebrating love and the power of surprises.

Arrival in Belize


Welcome to Belize! You have just arrived in this beautiful country and are ready to embark on a thrilling adventure. Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with breathtaking views, ancient ruins, stunning waterfalls, and exciting activities. Let’s dive right in and explore everything that Belize has to offer you.

Renting a car

To make the most of your time in Belize, renting a car is the best way to get around and explore the area at your own pace. Although it may seem pricey, it gives you the freedom to visit remote locations and discover hidden gems that may not be easily accessible by public transportation. Just be aware that if you’re under 25, like our friend Keith, you may have to pay a deposit of around four thousand dollars due to rental car regulations.

Exploring the area

Once you have your rental car, it’s time to start your adventure! As you drive through the lush landscapes of Belize, you may feel like you’ve stepped into your own version of Jurassic Park. Keep an eye out for howler monkeys, who make their presence known with their distinctive calls. Your first stop on this journey is the magnificent Mayan ruins.

Climbing Mayan Ruins

Description of the ruins

Prepare to be amazed as you arrive at the awe-inspiring Mayan ruins. These ancient structures are a testament to the ingenuity and architectural brilliance of the Mayan civilization. Explore the sprawling complex and marvel at the intricate carvings adorning the stone walls. As you climb higher, you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.

Climbing to the top

Challenge yourself by ascending to the top of one of the ruins. The climb may be steep, but the sense of accomplishment and the view from the summit make it all worthwhile. Don’t forget to take breaks along the way and soak in the history and beauty that surrounds you. Remember to capture these incredible moments on your camera or phone.

Capturing photos and videos

As you explore the ruins and climb to the top, don’t forget to document the experience. Take plenty of photos and videos to cherish the memories of your climb. Find the perfect angle to capture the essence of these ancient wonders and share the beauty of Belize with your friends and family. Get creative with your shots and let the ruins serve as a stunning backdrop for your photographs.

Wrapping up in a Ditch

Getting footage

After descending from the ruins, it’s time to wrap up the day’s adventures in a picturesque ditch. Take the opportunity to capture some unique footage as you explore this unexpected location. Time-lapses are perfect for capturing the changing light and the beauty of nature surrounding you. However, be careful as you navigate the terrain, as our friend Ryan may have encountered some mishaps, such as potentially breaking his foot. Safety is always a priority, so remember to take precautions and stay aware of your surroundings.

Possible injury

Despite any unexpected obstacles during the day, it’s essential to remain positive and focus on the incredible footage you were able to capture. Accidents happen, but thankfully, it doesn’t dampen the spirits of the group, including Keith and McKay. The determination to make the most out of every situation showcases the resilience and adventurous nature of the group.

Successful day

Despite any setbacks, the day was a success. The group managed to capture some stunning footage, and most importantly, they didn’t get kicked out of any locations. This is a testament to their respect for the environment and their ability to navigate their surroundings responsibly. It’s time to reflect on the day’s adventures and prepare for the next destination – Sacred Falls and 1,000 Foot Falls.

Visiting Sacred Falls and 1,000 Foot Falls

Background story

Before we delve into the beauty of Sacred Falls and 1,000 Foot Falls, let’s take a moment to appreciate the significance of this return trip to Belize. Three years ago, Keith and Ryan served as missionaries in Belize together, creating a strong bond and deep love for the country. This return trip is a chance to reconnect with the land and create a memorable video that showcases the beauty of Belize.

Reaching the falls

As you arrive at Big Rock Falls, prepare to be mesmerized by the natural wonder of this cascading waterfall. The sound of rushing water and the lush green foliage create a tranquil and awe-inspiring atmosphere. Take your time to enjoy the breathtaking views, and perhaps even indulge in a relaxing swim to cool off from the day’s adventures.

Enjoying the sunset

After experiencing the magic of Big Rock Falls, it’s time to head to 1,000 Foot Falls to witness a spectacular sunset. The sight of the sun sinking below the horizon, casting vibrant hues across the sky, is truly a sight to behold. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature and reflect on the incredible journey you’ve embarked on. It’s moments like these that make traveling so magical.

Exploring the Blue Hole

Description of the Blue Hole

Prepare to be amazed as you arrive at the iconic Blue Hole. This natural wonder is a sinkhole located in the middle of the sea, and it’s a diver’s paradise. The crystal-clear turquoise water invites you to take a closer look and explore the depths below. The distinctive circular shape of the Blue Hole is a sight that will stay with you long after you’ve left Belize.

Group size

Joining other adventure-seekers, you’ll find a group of people excited to experience the beauty of the Blue Hole. Although you may be surrounded by fellow travelers, don’t be discouraged. The vastness of the Blue Hole ensures that there’s plenty of space for everyone to explore and enjoy the underwater wonderland.

Cave exploration

One of the highlights of visiting the Blue Hole is the opportunity to explore the cave system that lies beneath its surface. Dive into the deep blue and discover the intricate formations concealed within the underwater caves. Swim alongside colorful marine life and let the sense of wonder envelop you as you uncover the secrets of this unique ecosystem.

Concerns about disease

While fully immersing yourself in the beauty of the Blue Hole, it’s important to prioritize your safety. Concerns about diseases such as dengue or malaria may arise due to the abundance of mosquitoes in the area. Remember to take preventative measures, such as wearing insect repellent and protective clothing, to minimize the risk of any health issues. Your well-being is of utmost importance throughout your Belizean adventure.

Arrival in San Pedro

Reaching San Pedro

You’ve arrived in San Pedro, a vibrant and charming town located on Ambergris Caye. As you step onto the sandy streets, you can feel the lively energy that permeates the air. The laid-back atmosphere and welcoming locals make San Pedro an excellent destination for the next leg of your journey.

Playing basketball

Take some time to unwind and engage in a friendly game of basketball with the locals. Embrace the opportunity to connect with the community and immerse yourself in the local culture. The shared love for sports creates a bond beyond language barriers, fostering a sense of unity and friendship.

San Pedro bridge jump

For the adrenaline junkies among you, the San Pedro bridge jump is a must-do activity. Plunge into the saltwater crocodile-infested waters below and experience an exhilarating rush. Capture the moment on camera and relish in the triumph of facing your fears and conquering the plunge. It’s a memory that will be etched in your mind forever.

Marriage Proposal

Engagement announcement

Amidst the adventures and exploration, love is in the air. Congratulations to Keith and McKay on their marriage proposal! The excitement and joy of this special moment are palpable, and it’s a testament to the power of love and the beauty of human connections. May their journey together be filled with endless love and happiness.

Jumping into saltwater crocodile-infested waters

To celebrate the engagement, what better way than to take a leap of faith into the saltwater crocodile-infested waters? While it may sound daring and dangerous, it’s a testament to the couple’s adventurous spirit. With trust and determination, they jump hand in hand, embracing the unknown and embracing the future they’ll build together.

Ending the video

As the video comes to a close, it’s a poignant reminder of the incredible experiences and memories created during this trip to Belize. The final scenes capture the group’s energy and enthusiasm, their contagious smiles, and the unwavering bonds formed throughout the journey. It’s a heartfelt farewell, until the next adventure.


Recapping the trip

This Belizean adventure has been nothing short of remarkable. From climbing Mayan ruins to swimming in the Blue Hole, this journey has taken you to incredible heights and depths of beauty. The memories created, the friendships strengthened, and the love shared will forever remain a part of your story.

Expressing joy for the engaged couple

As the journey concludes, it’s important to express sincere joy for the engaged couple, Keith and McKay. Their love and commitment are evident, and it’s a joyous occasion to celebrate this significant milestone in their lives. May their love continue to grow and flourish as they embark on this new chapter.

Excitement for the future

With hearts full of joy and minds brimming with incredible memories, it’s impossible not to feel excited for the future. This Belizean adventure has ignited a sense of wanderlust and a thirst for new experiences. Embrace the beauty of the world and all it has to offer, as you continue to create amazing memories in the years to come.