Learn How to Perform Creepy Magic Tricks

Hey there! Ever wanted to learn how to perform some creepy magic tricks? Well, you’re in luck! In this tutorial video by Ryan Shirley, you’ll be introduced to a whole new level of unconventional magic tricks that are perfect for the Halloween season. From sticking a nail up your nose to creating the illusion of a lifesaver emerging from your throat, these tricks are definitely not for the faint of heart. But if you’re up for the challenge and want to impress your friends with some eerie and mind-bending magic, then this is the article for you. So, grab some lighters, nails, and other weird stuff, and get ready to learn these bizarre and slightly dangerous tricks. Have fun and let the Halloween madness begin!

Learn Creepy Magic Tricks

Introduction to Creepy Magic Tricks

Are you ready to spook and amaze your friends this Halloween season? In this article, we will explore a variety of creepy magic tricks that will give your audience chills. From sticking a nail in your nose to creating a lifesaver zombie, these unorthodox tricks are sure to leave a lasting impression. So gather your materials and get ready to learn some spine-tingling tricks that will have everyone talking!

Performing the Nail in the Nose Trick

Materials Needed

To perform the nail in the nose trick, you will need the following materials:

  • A clean nail
  • A lighter for sterilization

Steps to Perform Nail in the Nose Trick

  1. Start by sterilizing the nail using a lighter. This will ensure that it is clean and safe to use.
  2. Gently insert the nail into your nose, wiggling it until you find the right spot.
  3. Push the nail back into your nasal passage. Be careful not to go too far or push too hard.
  4. Slowly pull the nail out, making sure to do it in a controlled and deliberate manner.

Please note that this trick can be quite uncomfortable and may even hurt a little. It is essential to approach it with caution and be aware of your body’s limitations. If you’re feeling daring, you can even try inserting two nails simultaneously, but be prepared for the strange sensation and potential sneezing!

Performing the Dental Floss Trick

Materials Needed

To perform the dental floss trick, you will need the following materials:

  • Dental floss
  • Wax dental floss for better visibility
  • Glue

Steps to Perform Dental Floss Trick

  1. Begin by holding a length of dental floss secretly in your hand, keeping it hidden from your audience.
  2. Rub the dental floss against your neck, creating the illusion that it is being inserted into your body.
  3. As you lower your neck, create the appearance of a flap of skin on your neck, making it seem as though the floss is lodged inside.
  4. Pull out the free end of the dental floss, making it appear as though it is magically reappearing.
  5. Release a lifesaver candy from your hand, creating the illusion of a lifesaver coming back to life.

This trick requires some practice to perfect the timing and coordination between the dental floss and the lifesaver candy. Experiment with different types of dental floss and glues to find what works best for you in terms of visibility and effectiveness.

Performing the Lifesaver Zombie Trick

Materials Needed

To perform the lifesaver zombie trick, you will need the following materials:

  • Lifesaver candy
  • Glue
  • Dental floss

Steps to Perform Lifesaver Zombie Trick

  1. Begin by attaching a piece of dental floss securely to a lifesaver candy, making sure it is hidden from view.
  2. Apply glue to your neck, specifically around your Adam’s apple area.
  3. Wrap the dental floss around your neck, using the glue to secure it in place.
  4. As you bring your neck down, create the illusion that the floss is entering your body.
  5. Rapidly release the lifesaver candy from your hand, making it appear as though it is coming out from your throat.

This trick is sure to leave your audience wondering how you managed to make a lifesaver candy come back to life! Remember to practice the timing and coordination to ensure a smooth execution of the trick.

Creating a Creepy Atmosphere

Setting the Stage

To enhance the creepy factor of your magic tricks, it is crucial to set the right atmosphere. Consider dimming the lights and using candles or glow sticks for eerie lighting. Create a spooky ambiance by adding cobwebs, skulls, or other Halloween-themed decorations. The more you can immerse your audience in a creepy environment, the more impactful your tricks will be.

Choosing the Right Music

Music plays a significant role in creating the right atmosphere for your magic tricks. Consider selecting haunting melodies, eerie sound effects, or even horror movie soundtracks to add an extra layer of creepiness. The right soundtrack can heighten suspense and anticipation, making your tricks even more memorable.

Mastering the Art of Misdirection

Importance of Misdirection

Misdirection is a critical element in any magic trick, and it becomes even more crucial in creepy magic tricks. By using distractions and redirecting your audience’s attention, you can create the illusion of the supernatural or the unexplainable. Mastering misdirection will help you maintain the element of surprise and keep your audience guessing.

Techniques for Misdirection

Some popular techniques for misdirection include:

  • Using hand gestures or exaggerated movements to draw attention away from the trick.
  • Engaging your audience with storytelling or conversation to divert their focus.
  • Utilizing props or distractions to change the audience’s focus.

By incorporating misdirection into your creepy magic tricks, you can make them even more mind-boggling and leave your audience with an eerie sense of wonder.

Adding Creepy Props

Selecting Creepy Props

Choosing the right props to accompany your magic tricks can greatly enhance their creepy factor. Consider using items such as skull rings, tarot cards, ouija boards, or other sinister-looking objects to add an element of mystique to your performance. The props you choose should align with the overall theme and atmosphere you are trying to create.

Incorporating Props into Tricks

Once you have selected your creepy props, think about how you can incorporate them into your magic tricks. Use the props to enhance your storytelling or to create an illusion of supernatural powers. The more seamlessly you can integrate these props into your tricks, the more your audience will be captivated by the eerie ambiance you have created.

Performing Mind Reading Tricks

Psychological Techniques for Mind Reading

Mind reading tricks can be particularly intriguing in a creepy magic performance. To give the illusion of mind reading, you can employ psychological techniques such as cold reading, body language analysis, or suggestion. By studying these techniques and practicing their application, you can create an otherworldly experience for your audience.

Creating a Spooky Mind Reading Experience

To enhance the spooky atmosphere during mind reading tricks, consider using props such as tarot cards or a crystal ball. Engage your audience with mysterious questions and statements that give the impression you can see into their thoughts. By combining psychological techniques with props and storytelling, you can create an unforgettable mind reading experience.

Creating Creepy Illusions

Using Shadows and Lighting

Shadows and lighting can be powerful tools in creating eerie illusions. Experiment with different angles of light and shadows to create mysterious silhouettes or ghostly apparitions. By manipulating the light and shadow, you can make objects appear and disappear, heightening the creepiness factor of your magic tricks.

Choosing Illusions to Creep Out Your Audience

When selecting illusions for your creepy magic performance, think about tricks that involve objects vanishing or levitating. These types of illusions tend to have a particularly eerie effect on audiences. With the right combination of misdirection, props, and storytelling, you can ensure that your illusions leave your audience both mystified and spooked.


In conclusion, creepy magic tricks allow you to add an extra thrill to your Halloween festivities. By mastering tricks like sticking a nail in your nose, creating a lifesaver zombie, and utilizing misdirection, you can leave your audience both fascinated and disturbed. With the right atmosphere, props, and storytelling, you can turn an ordinary magic trick into a spine-tingling experience. So gather your materials, practice your techniques, and get ready to give your friends a Halloween scare they won’t soon forget!