Jumping Taxis in Times Square – Epic Taxi Jumps in New York City

Hey there! So picture this – you’re in the heart of New York City, specifically Times Square, and you come across a video titled “Jumping Taxis in Times Square – Epic Taxi Jumps in New York City.” Intrigued, you click on it. The video, created by Ryan Shirley, showcases his magical skills as he jumps a taxi in the bustling streets of Times Square. And let me tell you, it’s quite a sight to see! Before you get any ideas, though, Ryan kindly reminds everyone not to try this at home, as it’s definitely not something you should attempt with just any car. But don’t worry, the video is here to make you smile! If you enjoyed this adrenaline-fueled feat, Ryan invites you to follow him on Instagram @shirley.films for more exciting content. And rumor has it, his future videos might involve cheetahs in Dubai. Don’t miss out – hit that subscribe button and turn on the notification bell for wild adventures to come!

Jumping Taxis in Times Square – Epic Taxi Jumps in New York City

Introduction to the video by Ryan Shirley

Hey there! Have you ever dreamt of doing something daring and out of the ordinary? Well, Ryan Shirley, a magician and adventurer, recently moved to New York City and decided to use his magical skills to jump a taxi in Times Square! In a video that captured the hearts of many, Ryan pulled off some incredible taxi jumps that left viewers both astounded and entertained. So, sit back, relax, and join us on this thrilling journey of jumping taxis in the bustling streets of New York City!

The motivation behind jumping taxis in Times Square

You might be wondering, what could possibly motivate someone to jump a taxi? Well, for Ryan Shirley, it was all about pushing the boundaries of creativity and showcasing the extraordinary. Jumping a taxi is not something you see every day, and through his daring stunts, Ryan aimed to bring joy and excitement to people’s lives. By utilizing his magic skills and combining them with physical prowess, he sought to create a unique experience that would captivate his audience and leave them with a smile on their faces.

The risks and dangers of jumping a taxi

As thrilling as it may seem, jumping a taxi is not without its risks and dangers. It requires careful planning, physical agility, and precise execution. One wrong move could result in serious injuries, both for the jumper and the driver of the taxi. It is essential to consider the potential consequences and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken before attempting such a feat. In no way do we encourage anyone to engage in risky behavior or attempt to jump a moving vehicle. Safety should always be the top priority.

Preparing to jump – warming up and dancing

Before embarking on his jumps, Ryan Shirley understood the importance of proper preparation. To ensure his body was ready for the physical exertion, he started with a warm-up routine. But Ryan being Ryan, he couldn’t settle for a regular warm-up – he decided to incorporate some dance moves into it! Not only did this serve as a way to get his body moving, but it also added an element of fun and entertainment to the whole process. So, next time you’re about to engage in a physically demanding activity, consider adding your own unique twist to the warm-up routine!

Finding the perfect taxi to jump

Ryan recognized that finding the perfect taxi to jump was crucial. Not all taxis are created equal, and factors such as size, speed, and location played a significant role in his decision-making process. He carefully observed the traffic in Times Square, waiting for the right moment and the right taxi to cross his path. Patience and attentiveness were key, as he aimed to create a seamless and visually stunning jump that would leave his audience amazed.

The first jump – hitting the hood of the taxi

With the perfect taxi in sight, Ryan prepared himself for his first jump. Taking a leap of faith, he launched himself into the air, and his hand hit the hood of the taxi with precision, almost like a dancer tapping the floor. The impact was controlled and skillfully executed, showcasing Ryan’s agility and knack for turning a mundane action into an extraordinary spectacle. The moment was captured on camera, leaving viewers in awe of his talent and fearless nature.

Attempt at another jump

Satisfied with his first jump, Ryan was eager to take things further. Spotting another taxi that caught his eye, he couldn’t resist the temptation to try again. This time, the jump looked even more daring and exhilarating. His determination and passion shone through as he took risks and pushed his own limits. Although not every attempt is guaranteed to be successful, what matters is the courage to keep trying and the willingness to embrace new challenges.

Sliding on the top of the taxi

In a display of finesse and precision, Ryan managed to execute an incredible move – sliding on the top of the taxi. As if defying gravity, he glided effortlessly, showcasing both strength and control. The sight was truly mesmerizing, demonstrating the power of the human body when combined with skill and determination. However, it is essential to remember that stunts like these require advanced training and should not be attempted without proper expertise.

The importance of wearing appropriate clothing

As Ryan embarked on his taxi-jumping adventure, he made sure to wear suitable clothing that enabled him to perform at his best. The choice of clothing is not only a matter of style but also safety. Ryan opted for comfortable sweatpants, allowing him to slide smoothly on the surface of the taxi. This prevented any unnecessary friction and reduced the risk of injuries. So, whether you’re engaging in extreme sports or attempting daring stunts, always prioritize safety and choose appropriate attire.


Ryan Shirley’s video of jumping taxis in Times Square was nothing short of epic. Through his daring and skillful jumps, he managed to defy conventional limits and bring joy to people’s lives. However, it is crucial to remember that attempting such stunts without proper training and precautions can be extremely dangerous. Safety should always come first, and it is essential to make responsible choices when engaging in adventurous activities. So, let Ryan’s video entertain and inspire you, but please don’t forget to prioritize your safety above all else. Stay safe, adventurous souls!