Journey Through Time in Brașov, Romania

Hey there, guys! I’m Ryan, and I want to take you on a journey through the incredible country of Romania. Trust me, Romania is one of Europe’s most underrated destinations, with its breathtaking landscapes and medieval charm. In this video, I’ll be showcasing the top 10 places to visit in Romania, including the enchanting city of Sighișoara, the unique Biertan Fortified Church, the charming city of Sibiu, the famous Transfăgărășan Highway, and the historic city of Alba Iulia, just to name a few. We’ll explore the stunning Carpathian Mountains, relax on the sandy beaches of the Black Sea coastline, and admire the impressive architecture of Bucharest. So, sit back, relax, and let’s embark on this captivating journey together!

History of Brașov

Founding of Brașov

Brașov, located in central Romania, has a rich history that dates back to its founding. The city was established in the 13th century by German craftsmen and merchants known as the Transylvanian Saxons. They were invited by the King of Hungary to settle in the area and help develop it into an important strategic and commercial center. Brașov quickly grew in importance, becoming a key trading hub in Central Europe.

Medieval Era

During the medieval era, Brașov flourished as a prosperous and well-fortified city. The city’s location at the crossroads of major trade routes brought wealth and influence to the region. Brașov’s medieval walls, which still stand today, were built to protect the city from invaders and served as a symbol of its strength and importance.

Saxon Influence

The Transylvanian Saxons played a significant role in shaping Brașov’s culture and architecture. Their influence can be seen in the city’s impressive medieval fortifications, which helped defend against foreign invasions. The Saxon influence is also evident in the city’s unique Gothic architecture, with its intricate stonework and ornate details. Brașov’s Black Church, a stunning example of Gothic architecture, remains one of the city’s most famous landmarks.

Modern Era

In the modern era, Brașov has continued to grow and evolve. The city has embraced its rich history and has become a popular tourist destination. Brașov’s old town, with its charming cobblestone streets and colorful Baroque buildings, attracts visitors from around the world. The city has also become known for its vibrant festivals and events, showcasing the region’s rich cultural heritage.

Historical Landmarks in Brașov

Black Church

The Black Church, or Biserica Neagră, is one of Brașov’s most iconic landmarks. It is the largest Gothic church in Romania and is famous for its striking black exterior, which was the result of a fire in the 17th century. The church is home to an impressive collection of Oriental rugs and the largest church bell in Romania.

White Tower

The White Tower, or Turnul Alb, is a medieval tower located in Brașov’s old town. It offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains. The tower was originally built as part of the city’s fortifications and is now a popular tourist attraction.

Council Square

Council Square, or Piața Sfatului, is the main square in Brașov’s old town. It has been the heart of the city for centuries and is surrounded by colorful Baroque buildings. The square is a bustling hub of activity and is home to numerous cafes, shops, and restaurants.

Catherine’s Gate

Catherine’s Gate, or Poarta Ecaterinei, is one of the original entrances into Brașov’s old town. It is the only original city gate that still stands today and is a symbol of the city’s medieval past. The gate is adorned with intricate carvings and is a popular spot for visitors to take photos.

Exploring the Old Town

Narrow Streets and Cobblestoned Pathways

Brașov’s old town is a labyrinth of narrow streets and cobblestoned pathways. As you wander through the winding alleys, you’ll discover picturesque squares, hidden courtyards, and charming cafes. The old town is best explored on foot, allowing you to soak in the historic atmosphere and admire the beautiful architecture.

Colorful Baroque Buildings

Brașov’s old town is lined with colorful Baroque buildings, each with its own unique character and charm. The facades feature intricate details and vibrant colors, adding to the area’s vibrant and lively atmosphere. Be sure to look up and admire the beautifully preserved architecture as you explore the streets.

Rope Street

Rope Street, or Strada Sforii, is one of the narrowest streets in Europe. Measuring just over 1 meter in width, this charming alleyway is a popular attraction in Brașov. Originally used as a corridor for firefighters, Rope Street is now lined with colorful houses and is a favorite spot for photographers.

Weavers’ Bastion

The Weavers’ Bastion, or Bastionul Ţesătorilor, is a medieval fortification located in Brașov’s old town. It was originally built to protect the city’s weavers and is now a museum showcasing Brașov’s history. The bastion offers panoramic views of the city and is a great place to learn about the city’s defensive fortifications.

Brașov’s Role in Transylvanian History

Strategic Location

Brașov’s strategic location at the crossroads of major trade routes made it a vital center of commerce in Transylvania. The city’s position allowed it to thrive as a gateway between Eastern and Western Europe, attracting merchants and traders from all over the continent.

Trade and Commerce

Brașov became a flourishing trading hub during the medieval era, thanks to its location and the presence of the Transylvanian Saxons. The city’s merchants engaged in trade with other European cities, bringing wealth and prosperity to the region. The legacy of this trade can still be seen in the architecture and culture of Brașov today.

Defensive Fortifications

Brașov’s medieval walls and fortifications played a crucial role in protecting the city from foreign invasions. The Transylvanian Saxons built a formidable network of walls, towers, and bastions to defend Brașov. These defensive structures still stand today, allowing visitors to get a glimpse of the city’s rich military history.

Mountains and Nature

Tâmpa Mountain

Tâmpa Mountain is a natural landmark in Brașov and offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding countryside. The mountain is accessible via a cable car or by hiking up the trails, and it is a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Poiana Brașov Ski Resort

Poiana Brașov is a popular ski resort located just a short drive from the city center. Nestled in the Carpathian Mountains, the resort offers a range of slopes for skiers and snowboarders of all levels. During the warmer months, Poiana Brașov is also a great place for hiking and enjoying the scenic beauty of the area.

Seven Ladders Canyon

Seven Ladders Canyon, or Canionul Șapte Scări, is a breathtaking natural attraction near Brașov. The canyon is named after the seven ladders that allow visitors to explore its cascading waterfalls and rocky terrain. It is a popular destination for hikers and adventure seekers.

Postăvarul Massif

The Postăvarul Massif is a mountain range located near Brașov and offers a range of outdoor activities. It is home to numerous hiking trails, mountain biking routes, and even a zip line for adrenaline junkies. The massif is also rich in flora and fauna, making it a great destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

Day Trips from Brașov

Bran Castle

Bran Castle, also known as Dracula’s Castle, is a must-visit destination near Brașov. The castle’s stunning architecture and fascinating history attract visitors from all over the world. Although loosely associated with the fictional character of Dracula, the castle’s rich history and beautiful surroundings make it a worthwhile day trip.

Râșnov Fortress

Râșnov Fortress is a medieval fortress located just a short drive from Brașov. Perched on a hilltop, the fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can explore the well-preserved walls and towers, learn about the fortress’s history, and enjoy the stunning vistas.

Prejmer Fortified Church

Prejmer Fortified Church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the best-preserved fortified churches in Transylvania. Located near Brașov, the church dates back to the 13th century and is an excellent example of medieval defensive architecture. Exploring the church and its surrounding fortified walls is like stepping back in time.

Peles Castle

Peles Castle is a stunning Neo-Renaissance castle located in the Carpathian Mountains near Brașov. Built in the late 19th century, it served as a summer residence for the Romanian royal family. The castle’s opulent interiors and beautiful gardens make it a popular attraction for visitors.

Traditions and Culture in Brașov

Festivals and Events

Brașov is known for its vibrant festivals and events that celebrate the region’s culture and traditions. One of the most famous events is the Brașov Christmas Market, where visitors can enjoy traditional food, crafts, and music. The city also hosts various music festivals, including the Brasov Jazz & Blues Festival and the Golden Stag International Music Festival.

Local Cuisine

Brașov is a paradise for food lovers, with a variety of traditional Romanian dishes to try. Local specialties include sarmale (cabbage rolls), mămăligă (polenta), and tochitura moldoveneasca (a pork stew). Visitors can also sample delicious desserts such as papanasi (fried doughnuts with sour cream and jam) and cozonac (a sweet bread with nuts and chocolate).

Traditional Crafts

Brașov has a rich tradition of craftsmanship, and visitors can explore local workshops and boutiques to discover traditional crafts. Handmade pottery, woodcarvings, and textiles are just some of the items that showcase Brașov’s artistic heritage. Purchasing these unique crafts is not only a great way to support local artisans but also a wonderful souvenir to take home.

Ethnographic Museum

The Ethnographic Museum in Brașov offers a fascinating insight into the region’s culture and heritage. Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing traditional clothing, tools, and household items. The museum also hosts workshops and demonstrations that allow visitors to learn more about traditional crafts and customs.

Outdoor Activities

Hiking and Trekking

Brașov and its surrounding mountains offer numerous hiking and trekking opportunities for all levels of outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking for a leisurely walk through stunning landscapes or a challenging mountain ascent, there are trails to suit every preference. Hiking in the Carpathian Mountains provides a chance to immerse yourself in nature and experience breathtaking vistas.

Skiing and Snowboarding

With its proximity to the Carpathian Mountains, Brașov is an ideal destination for winter sports enthusiasts. Ski resorts such as Poiana Brașov offer a range of slopes for skiers and snowboarders of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, you can enjoy the thrill of gliding down the slopes and soaking in the winter wonderland scenery.

Cycling and Mountain Biking

Brașov’s picturesque landscapes and well-maintained cycling routes make it a perfect destination for cyclists and mountain bikers. Whether you prefer leisurely rides through the countryside or more challenging off-road trails, there are options for everyone. Renting a bike and exploring the surrounding area is a great way to enjoy the fresh air and natural beauty.

Wildlife Watching

The Carpathian Mountains and the surrounding forests are home to a diverse array of wildlife. Nature enthusiasts can embark on guided tours to spot brown bears, wolves, and lynxes in their natural habitat. These experiences offer a unique opportunity to observe and learn about Romania’s rich biodiversity.

Hidden Gems of Brașov

Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church

Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church is a hidden gem located in Brașov’s old town. Tucked away on a quiet street, this beautiful church showcases stunning Orthodox architecture and exquisite frescoes. Visitors can admire the intricate artwork and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.

Tâmpa Nature Reserve

Tâmpa Nature Reserve is a tranquil oasis located just a short walk from Brașov’s city center. Visitors can explore the network of hiking trails that wind through the reserve, offering breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding mountains. The reserve is also home to a variety of flora and fauna, making it a great place for nature lovers.

First Romanian School Museum

The First Romanian School Museum is a fascinating museum that provides insights into the history of Romanian education. Housed in a 16th-century building, the museum showcases the first Romanian school, which operated in Brașov. Visitors can learn about the development of the Romanian language and the importance of education in shaping the nation’s identity.

Rope Street Museum

Rope Street Museum is a small museum dedicated to the history and heritage of Rope Street, one of the narrowest streets in Europe. The museum offers a glimpse into the daily life of the people who lived and worked on this unique street. Visitors can learn about the street’s history and explore its significance in Brașov’s cultural landscape.


Visiting Brașov is like stepping back in time and immersing yourself in a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. From its medieval fortifications and Gothic architecture to its picturesque landscapes and vibrant festivals, Brașov offers a diverse range of experiences for travelers. Whether you’re exploring the old town, embarking on outdoor adventures, or uncovering hidden gems, Brașov is a destination that will capture your heart and leave you with memories to last a lifetime.