I Almost Died Finding my Drone!! (Not Kidding)

In the video “I Almost Died Finding my Drone!! (Not Kidding)” by Ryan Shirley, he shares the intense and unexpected experience of crashing his drone and nearly drowning while trying to retrieve it. Despite the mishap, Ryan is grateful for his brother Matt, who saved him and drove him to the hospital. Although he has recovered from the incident, he unfortunately never found his drone. Ryan also mentions that he has some exciting tutorials coming soon, so be sure to stay tuned for those!

In another video, Ryan takes us on a unique adventure to Hana Love Island, which he describes as “super weird” due to the presence of buffaloes. During the trip, he and his brother Matt brave the cold temperatures for a swim and then explore the beautiful scenery of Antelope Island. Ryan shares some stunning shots taken with his drone, showcasing the breathtaking landscape of Utah. Despite the unfortunate incident with his drone, Ryan’s enthusiasm and passion for exploration and videography continue to shine through.

Crashing the Drone

Vlogging on a great day turned into quite an adventure when you crashed your drone and almost drowned trying to retrieve it from the freezing lake. The excitement of the day ended in a trip to the hospital, but luckily you’re now recovered, although still working on getting feeling back in your toes. Unfortunately, despite your efforts, you couldn’t find your lost drone. However, you’re extremely grateful for your brother Matt, who saved you and drove you to the hospital. It’s moments like these that remind you of the importance of family and their support during difficult times.

Acknowledging Thanks

Words cannot express the gratitude you have for your brother Matt. Without him, the outcome may have been much worse. His quick thinking and bravery in saving you from the freezing lake will forever be ingrained in your memory. Not only did he rescue you, but he also took the time to drive you to the hospital, ensuring your safety and well-being. In times of need, having someone by your side who is willing to go the extra mile is truly a blessing. You owe him a debt of gratitude that will never be fully repaid.

Social Media Promotion

Now that you’re back on your feet and ready to share your adventures again, it’s time to promote your social media accounts. Head on over to Instagram and follow @Shirley.films for more behind-the-scenes content and updates on your upcoming projects. If you haven’t already, check out your latest video titled “My Year 2017 – Ryan Shirley.” It’s a compilation of your best moments throughout the year, showcasing the incredible experiences you’ve had. And stay tuned, because exciting tutorials are coming soon! You won’t want to miss out on the tips and tricks you’ll be sharing with your followers.

Exploring Capri Cancun

Let’s dive into the breathtaking adventure you had on Capri Cancun. This exotic location has its own unique charm, and you couldn’t wait to explore it. Your first stop was Hana Love Island, which proved to be a truly unusual place. As you made your way there, you noticed an unexpected sight – a herd of buffaloes. Fascinated by the unusual encounter, you and your brother Matt decided to get a closer look. Taking a drive on a long road that stretched over the lake, you marveled at the stunning views.

Upon reaching the island, you embarked on a hike to the higher points. The mist layered over the lake created a surreal atmosphere. Looking down, you couldn’t help but be amazed by the beauty of the Great Salt Lake. It felt like being on another planet, right in your own backyard. This realization reminded you of the incredible places that Utah has to offer, and you couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunities to explore such awe-inspiring locations.

Flying the Drone

After taking in the natural beauty of Capri Cancun, it was time to fly your drone and capture some incredible footage. You’re always drawn to flying in secluded areas, away from the hustle and bustle of crowds. It allows you to capture stunning shots from a higher perspective, revealing the world in a way few get to see. With your drone in the air, your next mission was to find some wild buffaloes and attempt to approach them for a unique shot.

Luckily, you spotted a wild buffalo and decided to go for it. With caution, you approached it, trying to mimic its natural habitat. It was an exhilarating experience to be so close to such a magnificent creature. As the sun started to set, you decided to end the outing with a beautiful sunset time-lapse. It was the perfect way to wrap up the day and capture the serene beauty of Capri Cancun.

Losing the Drone

Unfortunately, while filming the sunset, disaster struck. Your drone crashed into the Great Salt Lake, and you were left searching for it in freezing conditions. The cold was unbearable, and you soon started to experience the effects of hypothermia. It was a scary ordeal, but fortunately, you knew the importance of seeking medical attention immediately.

After what felt like an eternity, you were finally able to make it to the emergency room. The medical staff worked quickly to warm you up and ensure your well-being. Losing your drone was disheartening, but in the grand scheme of things, you were just grateful to have survived and be on the path to recovery.

Recovering and Reflecting

Now, as you recover from your harrowing experience, you have time to reflect on the ordeal. It’s natural to feel regret over the lost drone, especially considering the incredible shots you captured earlier in the day. However, the most important thing is that you are safe and able to share your story with others.

The experience has also reinforced the importance of gratitude. You’re thankful for every little thing, from your brother’s heroic actions to the opportunity to explore stunning locations like Capri Cancun. Your journey has taught you to appreciate the simple joys in life and to never take anything for granted. Surviving such a scare has given you a newfound perspective and a deeper appreciation for the precious moments that make life worth living.