How to Convert Your Mavic to a FPV Drone – Tutorial

Hey there! In this tutorial video, Ryan Shirley shows you how to convert your Mavic drone into a FPV (First Person View) drone. FPV drones have been gaining popularity, but they can be complicated to build and challenging to fly. However, if you already have a Mavic or another DJI product, you can easily transform it into a FPV drone in just a few seconds. By following this tutorial, you’ll be able to add a new perspective to your videos and capture some amazing shots. So let’s get started!

Ryan begins the video by explaining that FPV drones have become a sensation on the internet due to their incredible shots. However, he understands that the idea of buying a dedicated FPV drone can be intimidating and expensive. That’s where the Mavic comes in. With a Mavic or any other DJI product, you have the option to convert your drone into an FPV machine in no time. Ryan then proceeds to guide you through the process step by step, demonstrating how to change your gimbal settings to achieve the FPV mode. He also explains how you can conveniently switch between FPV mode and the normal mode while flying, giving you the flexibility to experiment with different shots. Additionally, Ryan highlights the three different flying modes of the Mavic and advises caution when switching to sport mode, as it disables obstacle sensors. Overall, this tutorial offers a super easy way to add dynamic and unique perspectives to your drone videos. Be sure to subscribe for more awesome content from Ryan, and let’s dive right into the world of FPV flying!

Overview of FPV Drones

FPV drones, or First Person View drones, have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to provide immersive and exciting flying experiences. In this article, we will explore what FPV drones are, the benefits they offer, as well as the challenges that come with flying them.

Introduction to FPV Drones

FPV drones are a type of drone that allows you to see the live video feed from the drone’s camera as if you were sitting in the pilot’s seat. This immersive perspective gives you a thrilling and unique flying experience, making FPV drones highly sought after by drone enthusiasts.

Benefits of FPV Drones

There are several benefits to flying FPV drones. Firstly, the FPV perspective allows for better control and maneuverability, giving you the ability to navigate tight spaces and perform intricate aerial maneuvers. Additionally, FPV drones are often more agile and faster than traditional drones, allowing for dynamic and exciting footage. Lastly, flying FPV drones can be an immersive and thrilling experience, providing a sense of freedom and excitement unlike any other.

Challenges of FPV Drones

While FPV drones offer many advantages, they also come with their fair share of challenges. One of the main challenges is the steep learning curve associated with flying FPV drones. The intricate controls and increased speed can make it difficult for beginners to master. Additionally, due to the fast-paced nature of FPV flying, crashes are more common and can result in expensive repairs. Lastly, FPV drones require additional equipment such as FPV goggles and a video transmitter, which can add to the overall cost of owning and flying an FPV drone.

Converting Your Mavic to an FPV Drone

If you already own a DJI Mavic or another DJI product, you have the option to convert your drone into an FPV drone. This can be done in a few simple steps:

Step 1: Turn on your Mavic drone

Ensure that your Mavic drone is powered on and ready to fly before proceeding with the conversion process.

Step 2: Access the gimbal settings

Navigate to the gimbal settings on your Mavic drone. This can usually be found in the drone’s settings menu.

Step 3: Change the gimbal mode to FPV

Within the gimbal settings, locate the option to change the gimbal mode. Switch the mode from the default setting to FPV mode.

Step 4: Understand the new camera perspective

Once the gimbal mode is set to FPV, familiarize yourself with the new camera perspective. The camera will now follow the drone’s motion as it tilts and moves, similar to the perspective of an FPV drone.

Step 5: Configuring the remote control

Access the remote control settings on your Mavic drone. Look for the option to assign a button to toggle the gimbal mode.

Step 6: Assigning a button to toggle gimbal mode

Choose a button on your remote control that you would like to assign to toggle the gimbal mode between FPV and normal. This allows for easy switching between perspectives while flying.

Flying Your Converted Mavic

Once you have successfully converted your Mavic into an FPV drone, it’s time to take it for a spin. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Flying modes of the Mavic

The Mavic drone offers different flying modes, each with its own characteristics. The two main modes are the normal mode and the sport mode.

Normal mode

In the normal mode, the Mavic drone operates at a regular speed and has obstacle sensors to help avoid collisions. This mode is suitable for general flying and capturing smooth footage.

Sport mode

Sport mode is the high-speed mode of the Mavic drone. It allows for faster flying and more agile maneuvering. However, it disables the obstacle sensors, so caution must be exercised when flying in this mode to avoid accidents.

Safety precautions

When flying your converted Mavic drone, it is important to take safety precautions. Always fly in open areas away from people, buildings, and other obstacles. Be aware of your surroundings and the limitations of your drone. Additionally, it’s crucial to check weather conditions before flying to ensure optimal flying conditions.

Advantages of Converting Your Mavic

Converting your Mavic into an FPV drone offers several advantages:


By converting your existing Mavic drone, you can save money compared to purchasing a dedicated FPV drone. This allows you to experience the thrill of FPV flying without breaking the bank.

Ease of use

As a Mavic owner, you are likely already familiar with the controls and operation of the drone. Converting it to an FPV drone allows you to leverage your existing knowledge and skills, making the transition to FPV flying smoother.


Converting your Mavic to an FPV drone gives you the best of both worlds. You can still use it for regular aerial photography and videography while also enjoying the immersive flying experience of FPV.

Tips for Successful FPV Drone Flying

To make the most of your FPV drone flying experience, here are some tips:

Mastering the controls

Practice flying your FPV drone in a safe and open area to familiarize yourself with the controls and maneuverability. Take the time to become comfortable with the increased speed and agility of FPV flight.

Practice in open areas

Avoid flying your FPV drone in areas with obstacles or crowded spaces. Opt for open fields or designated flying areas where you have ample space to navigate and minimize the risk of accidents.

Avoid obstacles

When flying in FPV mode, it can be easy to lose track of your surroundings. Always be mindful of obstacles such as trees, buildings, or power lines. Maintain a clear line of sight and fly with caution.

Fly in optimal weather conditions

Choose to fly your FPV drone in calm and favorable weather conditions. Avoid flying in high winds or adverse weather conditions that may affect the stability and control of the drone.

Enhancing Your FPV Drone Videos

To take your FPV drone videos to the next level, consider the following tips:

Experimenting with different angles and perspectives

Explore different camera angles and perspectives to capture unique and dynamic shots. Get creative with your footage to make it stand out from the crowd.

Using the FPV mode for dynamic shots

Take advantage of the FPV mode to create visually stunning shots. The responsive camera movements in FPV mode can add a sense of excitement and energy to your footage.

Utilizing the sport mode for high-speed action

If you’re looking to capture high-speed action or fast-paced sequences, switch to the sport mode of your converted drone. This will allow you to achieve faster speeds and more thrilling footage.


Converting your Mavic or other DJI product to an FPV drone can be a simple and rewarding process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock a new perspective in your drone videos and experience the thrill of FPV flying. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced drone pilot, FPV drones offer an exciting and immersive way to capture stunning footage. Keep in mind the benefits, challenges, and safety precautions associated with FPV flying, and enjoy the freedom and exhilaration that comes with flying FPV drones.