From Average to Extraordinary: A Videographer’s Year 2017

Hey there! Get ready to dive into a captivating story that’ll take you on an epic journey around the world. “From Average to Extraordinary: A Videographer’s Year 2017” is the name, and it’s all about the incredible adventures of Ryan Shirley. This guy managed to travel to some truly amazing places and create mind-blowing videos, but it wasn’t always smooth sailing. At the start of the year, Ryan’s videography skills were just average and his camera gear was nothing fancy, but that didn’t stop him. Through hard work, determination, and a whole lot of passion, he made it happen. In this article, he shares his experiences, the lessons he learned, and how you too can transform your dreams into reality. So, get ready to be inspired, my friend, because this is a story that’ll ignite your wanderlust and push you to chase your own extraordinary moments. Are you ready to join Ryan on this incredible journey?

My Year 2017 – Ryan Shirley Video By Ryan Shirley It has been the most epic year as I traveled all around the world. The most important thing that I have learned is to stop caring what others think and to just go and do what you want! Don’t wait for anyone! Just go!! At the beginning of my year, I remember telling myself I wanted to go to so many places and make awesome videos. At the time, my videography skills were average, my camera gear was just a GoPro and a cheap camera, and I didn’t know how I would be able to afford to go where I wanted to go. But as the year progressed, opportunities came into place, I spent countless hours editing/learning, and most importantly I just went places even if I didn’t have a lot of money or somebody to go with. You can do this too! One year ago, I was like most of you. I hope this video inspires you to make the unrealistic happen. Stop caring and start doing 🙂 Follow me on Instagram @shirley.films Stay tuned for videography tutorials and my drone reel 🙂 Watch my vlogs to get behind the scenes – Zakynthos Vlog – Shipwreck Beach Thanks to my brother and friends for coming on the adventure – Matt, Jeff, Keith, Mitch, and Davis! More adventure soon. I’m here in Geneva, Switzerland. And I’m going to jump this bridge once these cars stop going. Mother Nature! I told you to settle down. But yet… You’ve surprised me again. Mallorca!!! Ah, shoot! It’s okay though because I can just drop it, baby! Be unrealistic and make it happen.

Traveling the World

Exploring new destinations

Traveling the world offers endless opportunities for adventure and personal growth. From exploring ancient ruins to immersing oneself in vibrant cultures, there is so much to discover and experience. By stepping outside of your comfort zone and venturing into new destinations, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. Each location has its own unique charm and beauty, and by embracing a spirit of curiosity and exploration, you can create memories that will last a lifetime.

Overcoming financial obstacles

One of the biggest challenges that many people face when it comes to traveling is the financial aspect. However, with careful planning and resourcefulness, you can overcome these obstacles and make your travel dreams a reality. There are various ways to save money while traveling, such as opting for budget accommodations, cooking your own meals, and utilizing public transportation. Additionally, by setting clear financial goals and saving up in advance, you can ensure that you have the funds necessary to embark on your desired adventures.

Traveling solo

While traveling with friends or loved ones can be a wonderful experience, there is something uniquely liberating about embarking on solo adventures. Traveling solo allows you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and discover a sense of independence and self-reliance. You have the freedom to set your own itinerary, explore at your own pace, and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Additionally, solo travel provides ample opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth. It is a chance to learn more about yourself, meet new people, and embrace the unexpected.

Improving Videography Skills

Dedicated hours to editing and learning

Becoming a skilled videographer requires dedication and practice. To improve your videography skills, it is important to dedicate time to learning and honing your craft. This may involve watching tutorials, attending workshops, and studying various filmmaking techniques. By investing time in editing and learning, you can refine your skills and create more impactful and visually stunning videos.

Experimenting with different techniques

Videography is a creative field that thrives on experimentation. To truly expand your skills and artistic vision, it is important to step outside of your comfort zone and try new techniques. Whether it’s experimenting with different camera angles, playing with lighting, or incorporating innovative editing styles, embracing experimentation allows you to push the boundaries of your creativity and create unique and captivating videos.

Investing in better camera gear

While it is true that creativity is not limited by the gear you possess, having quality equipment can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your videos. Investing in better camera gear, such as a professional-grade camera or a high-quality drone, can elevate the production value of your work and allow you to capture stunning footage. However, it is important to remember that gear is just a tool, and it is ultimately your skills and creativity that will make your videos stand out.

Embracing a Fearless Mindset

Not caring about others’ opinions

One of the biggest obstacles that can hinder personal growth and creativity is the fear of judgment from others. By embracing a fearless mindset, you free yourself from the constraints of others’ opinions and expectations. Instead of seeking validation from others, focus on creating content that reflects your unique vision and artistic expression. Remember that not everyone will resonate with your work, and that is perfectly okay. Stay true to yourself and your creative instincts, and you will attract an audience that appreciates and connects with your art.

Taking risks and trying new things

Creativity thrives when you are willing to take risks and step outside of your comfort zone. Whether it’s experimenting with new filming techniques, traveling to unfamiliar destinations, or collaborating with other creatives, embracing a mindset of openness and adventure allows you to discover new perspectives and ideas. It is through taking risks that you can uncover hidden gems and create truly exceptional work.

Being independent and self-motivated

In the world of videography, success often lies in the hands of the individual. Being independent and self-motivated is crucial for pushing past obstacles and achieving your goals. This means taking ownership of your projects, being proactive in seeking out opportunities, and maintaining a strong work ethic. While it can be challenging at times, being self-motivated allows you to maintain control over your creative journey and consistently pursue your passion.

Inspiring Others Through Vlogs

Sharing behind-the-scenes of videography

Vlogs provide a unique opportunity to take your audience behind the scenes of your videography process. By sharing the behind-the-scenes footage, you offer a glimpse into the hard work, dedication, and creativity that goes into creating visually stunning videos. This transparency not only engages and educates your audience but also allows them to connect with you on a deeper level.

Documenting adventures and experiences

Vlogging allows you to document your adventures and experiences in a dynamic and engaging way. By capturing the essence of each destination and sharing your personal experiences, you provide your audience with a window into different cultures, landscapes, and lifestyles. This not only inspires others to explore the world but also allows them to live vicariously through your adventures.

Encouraging others to pursue their dreams

As a vlogger, you have the unique opportunity to inspire and motivate others to pursue their own dreams. By sharing your personal journey, including the challenges and triumphs you’ve faced along the way, you show others that anything is possible with hard work, dedication, and a fearless mindset. Your videos can serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement for aspiring videographers and travelers alike.

Building a Community on Instagram

Engaging with followers and supporters

Instagram provides a platform for building a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for videography and travel. By actively engaging with your followers and supporters, you foster a sense of connection and create a space for meaningful interactions. Responding to comments, liking and commenting on other users’ posts, and participating in Instagram Live sessions are all ways to cultivate a vibrant and engaged community.

Posting regular updates and content

Consistency is key when it comes to growing your Instagram community. By posting regular updates and content, you keep your audience engaged and excited about what you have to share. This can include posting teaser clips of upcoming videos, sharing behind-the-scenes footage, or providing sneak peeks of your creative process. By consistently providing valuable and engaging content, you build trust with your audience and establish yourself as a reliable source of inspiration and information.

Sharing videography tutorials and drone reels

As a videographer, you have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with others. By posting videography tutorials and drone reels on Instagram, you offer valuable insights and tips to aspiring videographers. This not only establishes you as an authority in your field but also provides your audience with valuable resources to enhance their own skills and creativity. Sharing your knowledge and expertise is a powerful way to give back to the community and inspire others to pursue their own creative dreams.

Highlighting Memorable Adventures

Zakynthos Vlog – Shipwreck Beach

One of the most memorable adventures of my year was exploring Zakynthos and capturing the breathtaking beauty of Shipwreck Beach. This iconic location is known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters and the rusted wreck of a smuggler’s ship that has become an iconic symbol of the island. The drone footage captured the scale and grandeur of the beach, while the vlog showcased the excitement and adventure of exploring this hidden gem.

Jumping off a bridge in Geneva, Switzerland

In Geneva, Switzerland, I decided to take a leap of faith and jump off a bridge into the pristine waters below. This exhilarating experience encapsulated the spirit of adventure and fearlessness that I sought to embrace throughout my travels. The vlog captured the breathtaking views of the cityscape, the rush of adrenaline as I plunged into the water, and the joy and triumph that came from conquering my fears.

Exploring Mallorca despite setbacks

During my time in Mallorca, I faced several setbacks, including unexpected weather conditions and logistical challenges. However, I refused to let these obstacles dampen my spirits and continued to explore and capture the beauty of the island. Through the vlog, I shared the highs and lows of the journey, showcasing the resilience and determination required to overcome adversity and embrace the unexpected.

Expressing Creativity through Drone Footage

Capturing breathtaking aerial shots

One of the most powerful tools in a videographer’s arsenal is a drone. Drones allow you to capture stunning aerial shots that showcase the beauty and scale of a location from a unique perspective. From soaring over towering cliffs to gliding through narrow canyons, drone footage provides a sense of awe and wonder that can transport viewers to places they may never have the opportunity to experience in person.

Showcasing the beauty of different locations

Through drone footage, you can showcase the natural beauty and cultural diversity of different locations around the world. From sprawling cityscapes to remote mountain ranges, drone shots allow you to capture the essence of a place and evoke a sense of wonder and wanderlust in your audience. By showcasing the unique features and landmarks of each location, you bring these destinations to life and inspire others to explore and appreciate the world around them.

Pushing the boundaries of videography

Drone footage allows for a level of creativity and artistic expression that was once unimaginable in traditional videography. By pushing the boundaries of videography through unique angles, dynamic movement, and captivating compositions, you can create visually stunning videos that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Pushing the boundaries of videography is not only a way to showcase your skills and creativity but also a way to inspire others to think outside the box and explore new possibilities in their own work.

Gratitude for Friends and Supporters

Acknowledging the contribution of friends on adventures

Throughout my year of travel, I had the privilege of sharing these adventures with friends who added to the joy and excitement of each experience. Their unwavering support, willingness to take risks, and shared passion for exploration made these journeys even more meaningful. I am incredibly grateful for their friendship and the memories we created together. Acknowledging the contribution of friends on adventures is a way to recognize and express gratitude for the incredible experiences that would not have been the same without them.

Expressing gratitude towards supporters

Building an online presence and community is not possible without the support of dedicated followers and supporters. They are the ones who take the time to engage with your content, provide feedback, and share your work with others. Expressing gratitude towards supporters is a way to show your appreciation for their continued support and loyalty. Whether it’s through a heartfelt message, a shoutout in a video, or personalized interactions, expressing gratitude towards supporters strengthens the connection between creator and audience.

Recognizing the importance of a supportive network

Behind every successful creative journey lies a supportive network of individuals who believe in and champion your dreams. These individuals, whether they be family, friends, or fellow creators, provide the encouragement, feedback, and guidance necessary to navigate the challenges and setbacks that inevitably arise. Recognizing the importance of a supportive network is a way to acknowledge the invaluable role they play in your personal and professional growth. By surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion and ambition, you create a community that uplifts and inspires one another.

Encouraging Unrealistic Goals

Embracing audacious dreams and aspirations

In a world that often discourages audacity and unconventional thinking, embracing audacious dreams and aspirations is an act of rebellion. It is the belief that the impossible is possible and that limitations are self-imposed. By allowing yourself to dream big and envision a future beyond the status quo, you tap into your creative potential and create a roadmap for turning those dreams into reality. Embrace audacious dreams and aspirations, and watch as the world opens up to new possibilities.

Motivating others to pursue the impossible

As a creator, you have the power to motivate and inspire others to pursue their own impossible dreams. By sharing your personal journey, including the challenges and triumphs you’ve faced along the way, you show others that they too can overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. Motivating others to pursue the impossible is a way to ignite a spark of ambition and creativity within them, and to instill in them the belief that they can make their dreams a reality.

Believing in one’s ability to make things happen

Belief in oneself is a powerful force that can move mountains. By cultivating a strong belief in your own abilities and potential, you set the stage for success and personal growth. It is the unwavering conviction that you have the skills, drive, and determination to make things happen. This belief allows you to overcome self-doubt, push through challenges, and seize opportunities when they arise. Believe in your ability to make things happen, and watch as the world aligns to support your journey.


Reflecting on the journey of 2017, it is clear that stepping outside of your comfort zone, embracing a fearless mindset, and pursuing your passions can lead to incredible personal growth and experiences. Through traveling the world, improving videography skills, inspiring others through vlogs, building a community on Instagram, highlighting memorable adventures, expressing creativity through drone footage, expressing gratitude for friends and supporters, encouraging unrealistic goals, and embracing audacious dreams, you can break free from limitations and create a life filled with adventure and fulfillment. So, stop caring what others think, start caring about what sets your soul on fire, and embark on a journey that is uniquely yours. The world is waiting.