Epic Sunrise Hike in Tre Cime Di Laveredo – Dolomites Vlog

In this captivating video titled “Epic Sunrise Hike in Tre Cime Di Laveredo – Dolomites Vlog,” Ryan Shirley takes us on an exhilarating journey to the scenic Dolomites Mountains in Tre Cime di Laveredo, Italy. Joined by his friend George, they embark on an epic sunrise hike that promises breathtaking views. The video showcases their determination and love for adventure as they tackle the challenging hike without climbing gear. As the sun begins to rise, they capture stunning footage with their drone, highlighting the beauty of the untouched mountain range. This vlog is a testament to the incredible experiences and unique moments that can be found in the great outdoors. So sit back, relax, and be inspired by this awe-inspiring adventure!

Join Ryan and George as they embark on a daring expedition to Tre Cime di Laveredo in the Dolomites Mountains. This thrilling vlog, titled “Epic Tre Cime Di Laveredo Hike – Dolomites Vlog,” captures their early morning journey to witness one of the most rewarding sunrises imaginable. Despite the lack of climbing gear, they fearlessly conquer the mountaintop, providing a firsthand view of the stunning landscape. With their drone footage and the serene atmosphere, this vlog showcases the untouched beauty of the Dolomites and serves as a reminder to seize every opportunity for adventure and exploration. Don’t miss out on this remarkable video experience!

Epic Sunrise Hike in Tre Cime di Laveredo – Dolomites Vlog

Video by Ryan Shirley

Good morning! It is 5:30 a.m. and you are about to embark on an epic sunrise hike in Tre Cime di Laveredo, located in the infamous Dolomites Mountains in Italy. This hike promises to be one of the most rewarding and awe-inspiring experiences of your life. So grab your gear, get ready to challenge yourself, and enjoy the beautiful Dolomites scenery!

Introduction to the hike

Before we dive into the details of the hike, let’s talk a bit about the Dolomites Mountains. The Dolomites, also known as the “Pale Mountains,” are a mountain range located in northeastern Italy. They are renowned for their unique and captivating limestone formations, jagged peaks, and breathtaking views. Tre Cime di Laveredo, one of the most iconic landmarks in the Dolomites, is a trio of striking peaks that tower over the surrounding landscape.

Importance of climbing gear

As you prepare for this adventure, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of having proper climbing gear. While the hike can be done with bare hands, having the right equipment, such as climbing shoes, a helmet, and ropes, can greatly enhance your safety and overall experience. Climbing gear provides additional support and stability while navigating the challenging terrain, ensuring that you can fully enjoy the journey without unnecessary risks.

Preparing for the hike

A successful sunrise hike starts with proper preparation. Be sure to arrange your sleeping arrangements in advance, as waking up early is crucial to catch the sunrise at its most magical moment. Whether you choose to camp out or find accommodation nearby, make sure you have a comfortable and safe place to rest before the hike.

Sleeping arrangements

Considering the early wake-up call, you may be wondering why anyone would willingly sacrifice sleep for a hike. The answer lies in the motivation to witness something truly extraordinary. The allure of experiencing a breathtaking sunrise in the midst of these majestic mountains is undoubtedly a powerful motivator. So, set your alarm, prepare your gear, and get ready to embark on an adventure that will leave you in awe.

Starting the hike

As you begin your hike, you’ll find yourself surrounded by the beauty of nature. The path towards Tre Cime di Laveredo offers a gradual ascent with stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Take your time to appreciate the unique combination of rugged cliffs, lush greenery, and clear blue skies.

Hiking towards Tre Cime di Laveredo

As you make your way towards the iconic peaks, the hike becomes more challenging. The terrain becomes steeper and requires more physical effort. However, with each step, you are rewarded with awe-inspiring views that make the entire journey worthwhile. The anticipation of reaching the cross at the top adds an extra element of excitement and motivation.

Overview of the path and surroundings

Take a moment to soak in the surroundings as you hike towards Tre Cime di Laveredo. The paths weave through rocky outcrops, offering glimpses of the towering peaks that await you. The air is crisp and invigorating, the scent of pine trees fills your nostrils, and the silence of the mountains allows you to connect with nature on a deeper level. It truly is a sanctuary away from the chaos of everyday life.

Climbing towards the cross

As you ascend towards the cross, you may face certain challenges. The terrain becomes more rugged, and you find yourself relying on your strength and determination to conquer each obstacle. The rocks may be slippery, and the steepness of the climb can be daunting. However, remember that each challenge is an opportunity for growth. With focus and perseverance, you will overcome these obstacles and reach new heights.

Challenges faced during the climb

Climbing without climbing gear presents its own set of challenges. The lack of proper equipment means you must rely solely on your physical abilities and mental fortitude. The steep and slippery rocks require careful navigation, and one misstep can have serious consequences. However, this sense of vulnerability and the need to rely on your own abilities only adds to the exhilaration and sense of accomplishment at the end.

Importance of determination

Throughout the hike, one thing becomes clear: the importance of determination. Pushing through the physical and mental barriers, overcoming fatigue, and staying focused on your goal are all essential to reach the summit. Your determination will be the driving force that keeps you going, even when the climb seems too daunting. Remember, it’s not just about reaching the top; it’s about the journey and the personal growth that comes with it.

Arrival at the top

After a challenging ascent, you finally arrive at the top. The view that unfolds before you is nothing short of breathtaking. The vastness of the landscape, the striking peaks, and the colors of the sunrise create a scene straight out of a painting. Take a moment to breathe in the crisp mountain air, let the serenity wash over you, and relish in the sense of accomplishment for reaching this extraordinary vantage point.

Unique perspective of the sunrise

From the top of Tre Cime di Laveredo, you are treated to a unique perspective of the sunrise. As the first rays of sunlight bathe the mountains in a warm glow, you can’t help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude. The world below you is still shrouded in darkness, and you have the privilege of witnessing the first light of a new day from a place few have the opportunity to see.

Feeling of accomplishment

Standing at the top, surrounded by the beauty of nature, you can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. The challenges you faced during the hike, the early wake-up call, and the physical exertion were all worth it. In this moment, you realize the power of pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and the rewards that come with such endeavors.

Drone shots and capturing the sunrise

To further capture the beauty of the sunrise and the surrounding scenery, Ryan sets up his drone to capture breathtaking shots. The aerial perspective adds a new dimension to the already stunning landscape, showcasing the grandeur of the Dolomites mountains and the ethereal beauty of the sunrise. These shots will serve as a lasting memory of this incredible adventure.

Discussion on the beauty of the surroundings

As Ryan explores the area with his drone, he highlights the sheer beauty of the surroundings. The majestic mountains, the untouched wilderness, and the sense of solitude create a serene atmosphere that is truly awe-inspiring. The Dolomites Mountains offer a glimpse into a world untouched by human hands, reminding us of the importance of preserving and appreciating the natural wonders of our planet.

Enjoying the moment of solitude

As Ryan mentions, being the only person at the top of Tre Cime di Laveredo provides a unique sense of serenity and solitude. It allows for a personal connection with nature and a moment of introspection. In a world that often feels crowded and fast-paced, being able to find moments of solitude in the mountains can be a truly transformative experience.

Issues with the drone

Unfortunately, as Ryan is capturing the beauty of the sunrise, his drone runs out of battery and loses connection. Panic sets in as they realize they have no idea where the drone has landed. They must now embark on a search to recover the lost drone, hoping to find it intact and undamaged.

Search for the lost drone

Ryan and George embark on a search for the drone, retracing their steps and scanning the area where they last had connection. After a couple of hours, they decide to check with the lodge nearby to see if anyone has found it. Luckily, a kind Italian man had found the drone and turned it in, bringing a sense of relief and gratitude.

Relief upon finding it

Finding the lost drone brings a tremendous sense of relief to Ryan and George. The drone is not only a valuable piece of equipment but also a means to capture and share the incredible moments they’ve experienced during their sunrise hike. The fact that it was returned by an honest individual reminds them of the goodness of humanity and restores their faith in the kindness of strangers.

Descending from the mountain

With the drone safely recovered, it’s time to begin the descent from the mountain. As they make their way down, they encounter a crowd of people ascending the trail. It becomes apparent how much more peaceful and magical the experience was in the early morning when they had the mountain to themselves. Reflecting on this, they realize the value of waking up early and venturing into nature before the crowds arrive.

Comparison of the crowd during different times of the day

The stark contrast between the solitude of the early morning and the increasing crowd throughout the day is evident as they descend. While it’s nice to see others enjoying the beauty of the Dolomites, there is a certain charm in having those quiet moments in nature before the hustle and bustle begins. It serves as a reminder to seek out those quieter moments whenever possible to fully appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

Reflection on the magical experience

As Ryan and George complete their hike and return to the bottom, they reflect on the magical experience they had during the sunrise hike. The challenges they faced, the breathtaking views, and the sense of accomplishment all combine to create a memory they will cherish for a lifetime. It serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing adventure, pushing oneself beyond comfort zones, and appreciating the beauty of the world around us.


In conclusion, the epic sunrise hike in Tre Cime di Laveredo offers an unforgettable experience in the stunning Dolomites Mountains. From the early wake-up call to the challenging ascent and the awe-inspiring views at the top, every step of the journey is filled with wonder and a sense of accomplishment. The beauty of nature, captured in drone shots and cherished memories, serves as a reminder of the incredible world we live in and the importance of exploring it. So, if you find yourself in the Dolomites, don’t miss the opportunity to embark on this adventure. Your own epic sunrise hike awaits you.

Stay tuned for Ryan’s upcoming vlog to Lago di Braies, another stunning destination in the Dolomites that promises to be a feast for the senses. Until then, keep exploring and embracing the beauty of the world around you!