Encouraging Responsible Traveling – Hoping for a Return to Normalcy

Hey there, Ryan here! I know that right now most of us are stuck at home daydreaming about our next travel adventure. So, I thought I’d share with you my top 10 travel experiences from around the world to help keep you inspired and excited for when we can all travel responsibly again. From hiking in the mystical mountains of Mordor in the Italian Dolomites to swimming with dolphins in Hawaii, these are the moments that have left a lasting impact on me.

One of my favorite memories was staying in a hotel in the Swiss Alps and capturing the breathtaking sunset over the jagged peaks. I also had an adrenaline-filled experience cliff jumping in Visevasha, Switzerland, and witnessed the beauty of the Northern Lights in Norway’s Arctic Circle. So, join me as I reminisce on these incredible adventures and encourage responsible traveling in the hopes of a return to normalcy in the near future. Stay tuned for more exciting travel stories!

Encouraging Responsible Traveling – Hoping for a Return to Normalcy


Traveling is a deeply enriching experience that allows us to explore new cultures, meet people from all walks of life, and create lasting memories. However, in the wake of the global pandemic, responsible traveling has become more important than ever. As we yearn for a return to normalcy, it is crucial that we prioritize the safety and well-being of ourselves and the communities we visit. In this article, we will take a journey through some of my top 10 travel experiences, while also highlighting the significance of responsible travel and the hope for a future where we can once again explore the world.

Hiking in the Italian Dolomites

One of the most memorable experiences of my life was hiking in the Italian Dolomites, often referred to as the “mountains of Mordor.” The breathtaking beauty of these jagged peaks and mystical landscapes left a lasting impression on me. As I hiked along the trails, I couldn’t help but feel like I had stepped into a scene from Lord of the Rings. I reached the bottom of Mordor and had the opportunity to capture some truly epic shots at sunset. The dramatic lighting and the sheer grandeur of the landscape were awe-inspiring. The next morning, I woke up early to witness a memorable sunrise, bathing the mountains in a soft pink glow. It was a truly magical experience that reminded me of the incredible wonders our world has to offer.

Swimming with Dolphins in Hawaii

Another unforgettable experience on my travel journey was swimming with dolphins in Hawaii. It had always been a dream of mine to interact with these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. One morning, while watching the sunrise on a beach in Hawaii, I saw dolphins jumping out of the water. With flippers and goggles in hand, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to swim alongside them. Venturing into the deep blue ocean was both exhilarating and a little nerve-wracking. But as I swam with the dolphins, I was overcome with a sense of calm and awe. These incredible animals moved gracefully through the water, barely acknowledging our presence. It was a humbling experience that reinforced the importance of protecting and preserving our marine life.

Top 10 Travel Experiences

Now, let’s delve into the top 10 travel experiences that have left a lasting impact on my life. Each of these experiences showcases the beauty and diversity our world has to offer, while also emphasizing the significance of responsible travel.

  1. Hiking in the Italian Dolomites: As mentioned earlier, this adventure through the mountains of Mordor was a truly unforgettable experience.
  2. Swimming with Dolphins in Hawaii: Interacting with these intelligent creatures was both thrilling and incredibly humbling.
  3. Staying in a Hotel in the Swiss Alps: Immersing myself in the Alpine landscape and capturing breathtaking sunset shots was a dream come true.
  4. Cliff Jumping in Visevasha, Switzerland: Pushing my limits and leaping off cliffs into crystal-clear water was an adrenaline-fueled adventure.
  5. Renting a Boat and Exploring the Islands of Greece: Navigating the Greek islands by boat allowed me to discover the serenity of island life and explore the stunning white cliffs of Zakynthos.
  6. Crashing the Drone while Filming in Zakynthos: While attempting to capture footage of the cliffs, I faced challenges and learned valuable lessons about responsible drone usage.
  7. Witnessing an Epic Sunrise in the Dolomites: Waking up early to witness the ethereal beauty of a sunrise in the Dolomites reminded me of the power and wonder of nature.
  8. Traveling to Norway’s Arctic Circle: Visiting beaches with stunning scenery and experiencing a sunset near the North Pole was a surreal and magical experience.
  9. Exploring the Isle of Skye in Scotland: Climbing unique rock formations for risky photo opportunities and witnessing the breathtaking beauty of Skye was both adventurous and awe-inspiring.
  10. Experiencing the Northern Lights: Returning to Norway’s Arctic Circle to witness the dancing lights of the Aurora Borealis was a truly mesmerizing experience, despite some moments of fear and uncertainty.

Through these travel experiences, I have learned the importance of responsible travel. It is crucial that we respect the environments and communities we visit, follow local regulations, and make conscious choices that minimize our impact on fragile ecosystems. By being mindful travelers, we can ensure that future generations have the opportunity to witness the same wonders that we have been fortunate enough to experience.


Traveling is a privilege that should not be taken for granted. As we look to the future and hope for a return to normalcy, it is essential that we approach travel with responsibility and awareness. By prioritizing the well-being of ourselves and the destinations we visit, we can ensure that the beauty and diversity of our world will continue to inspire and captivate travelers for generations to come. So, let us remain hopeful and encourage others to explore the world responsibly, fostering a global community that appreciates and protects the wonders that lie beyond our borders.